Welcome to


of Tallahassee

We would love to have you come this Sunday @ 10:45 am.

Location Details

731 North Gadsden Street Tallahassee, FL 32303

  • Sunday School: 9:30 am
    Worship Service: 10:45 am
    Prayer & Kids’ Club: 5:00 pm (meets once a month on the second Sunday)

  • info​@gcot.org

Pastor's Greeting

“Welcome to Grace Church of Tallahassee. Thank you for taking the time to get to know us better.

As you browse through our website, I trust you will get a greater sense of our heart for God and His Word. You will see that it is our goal to glorify Him through strengthening the faith of believers and spreading the message of the gospel to our community and the world.

Whether you are just looking into the claims of Christianity for the first time or have been a follower of Jesus Christ for many years you will be welcomed by our loving congregation.”

Rod Bunton, Senior Pastor

The Gospel

The word “gospel” means good news. The Bible uses it to refer to the good news of God: specifically the news about Jesus and the way of salvation he provides. We believe that the gospel message is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes (Romans 1:16). We encourage you to consider this message of hope today. To aid you in your consideration of the gospel, we provide you a link to a multimedia presentation of the message of Christianity called “Two Ways to Live” by Matthias Media.

New Messages

The Appearance of Jesus to Seven Disciples

John 21:1-14 In the concluding chapter of John, the author narrates another instance of the resurrected Jesus appearing to a group of disciples. Pastor Rod Bunton explains how Jesus uses a fishing expedition as a metaphor for our reliance on Him.

The Appearance of Jesus to Thomas

John 20:24-31 The apostle Thomas was not with the others when Jesus appeared to them and, despite their assurances, he did not believe that it really happened. Pastor Rod Bunton describes how Jesus’ sixth appearance to “doubting” Thomas convinced him to make a remarkable declaration.

Jesus the Prophet

Christ has a three-fold office: Prophet, Priest, and King. Pastor Ben Khazraee focuses on the first role, that of a prophet.

The Appearance of Jesus to the Disciples

John 20:19-23 There are at least eleven encounters with Jesus after his death and resurrection recorded in the Bible. Pastor Rod Bunton focuses on the fifth appearance, to the disciples that were hiding in fear of what would happen next.