Posts from 2020

Posts from 2020

Attend a Worship Service

We would love to have you join us for a worship service. By attending, you are agreeing to abide by our gathering guidelines below. We ask you NOT to attend an in-person service if: in the 14 days prior to service, you have experienced signs or symptoms of flu or COVID-19 or tested positive for COVID-19. in the 10 days prior to service, you have had close contact (within 6 feet for at least 15 minutes) with someone who has…

COVID-19 Updates

October 2, 2020 Updated Gathering Guidelines In conjunction with the Governor’s new executive order and move into phase three of reopening the State, we are adjusting our gathering guidelines. Effective This Sunday, October 4th. Based on the Governor’s executive order, issued on September 25th, we will return to our original policy concerning masks. We leave it up to you whether or not to wear a mask at church gatherings. We ask you to respect those who choose to do the opposite…

Sign up to Attend a Worship Service

We would love to have you join us for a worship service. Households will need to sign up to attend the worship service each week (this is because we have limited seating). Please sign up as soon as you can, each week, so that we can ensure that we can accommodate as many people as possible. To sign up children for the nursery (infant to 4 years old), email [email protected]. Questions? Email [email protected]. When you Sign up: Select which location (auditorium or…