Sunday School – Care and Discipleship 2
Care and Discipleship 2 (Biblical Counseling Training) Please register ahead of time for this class as we need to order workbooks. Cost of workbooks is $10. Click here to register. Facilitator: Pastor Rod Bunton Meets on Sunday mornings from 9:30 am – 10:30 am (note that this class starts 15 minutes earlier than the other studies) Video and Discussion See this website for more information or email [email protected]
Sun Sep 23, 2018
Sunday Evening Sermon Discussion & Prayer
Adults meet in the fellowship hall for a time of sermon discussion and prayer. Kids’ Club (preschool-Elementary school) meet in the Annex. Nursery for younger children.
Moms In Prayer
Moms in Prayer – Praying for Children and Schools ALL women are invited to join the Moms in Prayer group of Grace Church. We will meet most Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. at the Grace Church Annex, for an intentional hour of prayer. Please contact Barkley Wilhite, Tina Buchner, or Sandy Reinhard with any questions.
Men’s Noon Bible Study
Men’s Noon Bible Study Starts on September 4th This Bible Study of First and Second Peter will begin on Tuesday, September 4th and will meet the first and third Tuesday of the month at the office of Waddell and Reed, 3500 Financial Plaza, Suite 300, Tallahassee, FL 32312. Contact Pastor Rod at [email protected] with any questions.
College / Career Prayer and Fellowship
College/Career Prayer and Fellowship – Join us at 7pm for a time prayer, fellowship, and refreshments as we prepare to start a new semester of Bible study. The Home of Mary and David Kennedy 3205 Ridgeland Court. Contact Ben with questions ([email protected]).
Moms In Prayer
Moms in Prayer – Praying for Children and Schools ALL women are invited to join the new Moms in Prayer group of Grace Church. We will meet most Tuesdays this summer at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Barkley Wilhite, for an intentional hour of prayer. Please contact Barkley Wilhite, Tina Buchner, or Sandy Reinhard with any questions.
Sun Aug 12, 2018
Missions Update & Fellowship Dinner
Meet in the auditorium at 5 pm for a missions update with Brent Slade via Skype. At about 6 pm, we will begin our fellowship dinner.
Moms In Prayer
Moms in Prayer – Praying for Children and Schools ALL women are invited to join the new Moms in Prayer group of Grace Church. We will meet most Tuesdays this summer at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Barkley Wilhite, for an intentional hour of prayer. Please contact Barkley Wilhite, Tina Buchner, or Sandy Reinhard with any questions.
Memorial Service for Mrs. Freida Porter
Immediately following the morning service there will be a service to remember the life and ministry of Freida Porter. She went to be with the Lord on June 27, 2018. The morning church service will be dismissed at noon and those who would like to attend are invited to stay. Please pick your children up from the nursery before the memorial service. A light lunch reception will follow the service.
Ladies’ Wednesday Noon Bible Study
A 6-week study on The Prodigal God by Tim Keller with DVD teaching and discussion. The study will take place at Nicole Myhre’s house. Books and Discussion Guides can be purchased on Amazon. Please contact Nicole Myhre for more information.
Moms In Prayer
Moms in Prayer – Praying for Children and Schools ALL women are invited to join the new Moms in Prayer group of Grace Church. We will meet most Tuesdays this summer at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Barkley Wilhite, for an intentional hour of prayer. Please contact Barkley Wilhite, Tina Buchner, or Sandy Reinhard with any questions.
Ladies’ Summer Bible Study
Lord, Heal My Hurts: A Devotional Study on God’s Care and Deliverance, by Kay Arthur. This study will meet June 7th through August 10th on Thursdays from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm in the Grace Church Fellowship Hall. Books cost $12. Sign up and register here or use the register tab in the upper right. Please contact Kileen Cassiday if you have questions.