Upcoming events at Grace Church of Tallahassee. You can also view a Monthly Calendar.
Fall Picnic
Grace Church of Tallahassee will hold its annual Fall Picnic on Sunday, October 27th. You are encouraged to invite friends and neighbors to join the fun. This always proves to be a great time of fellowship with our church family. Fall Picnic – Sunday, October 27 from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Christmas Eve Service
An evening of Christmas music, singing, and a message from Pastor Rod.
Mon Jan 26, 2026
Congregational Meeting and Fellowship Dinner
A meeting of the church body to hear updates for 2024 and plans for 2025. All members are encouraged to be at this meeting. There will be no nursery available, but the meeting will be live streamed in the Fellowship Hall.
Men’s Fellowship Breakfast
The Men’s Fellowship Breakfast with speaker Todd Inserra (Tallahassee Fire Department Information Officer and Theology Professor) in the Fellowship Hall at 8:30 am. This is an opportunity for fellowship and to invite non-believing friends to hear the Gospel. Contact Charlie Greenwell if you have any questions at [email protected]. Sign Up Here.