Sermons on John (Page 7)

Sermons on John (Page 7)

He Was in the Beginning with God

John 1:1-2 In the first two verses of John’s gospel account, he teaches some amazing and critically necessary doctrines. Pastor Rod Bunton examines three important things taught by John that we must believe to be Christians.

The Deity of Christ

John The Gospel account from John was written so that we may know that Jesus is the Messiah and also the son of God. Pastor Rod Bunton begins a new series in the book of John and, through a quick survey, highlights the theme which occurs throughout.

For God So Loved the World

John 3:16 One of the most popular verses on the planet to both believers and unbelievers, John 3:16 is referenced when the discussion is about salvation. In this Christmas Eve message, Pastor Rod Bunton breaks it down and shows us that it also encapsulates the entire Christmas story in one verse.

Jesus is God’s Greatest Sermon

John 1:14-18 It’s not always easy to understand God nor is it always easy to live with him. Pastor Rod Bunton goes to the Gospel of John for a Christmas-themed message that shows how God helped us with both of those issues by sending his son.

I Am the Resurrection and the Life

John 11:25 – When Jesus heard that his friend Lazarus was gravely ill, He delayed coming to visit him before Lazarus died. Pastor Rod Bunton uses this Resurrection Day sermon to highlight the glorious reason for this delay.

Eternal Love from the Father

John 17:20-26 ~ Pastor Doug Link looks closely at how God loves His Son because that tells us how the Father loves all His children.

Enduring Persecution

John 15:18-16:4 ~ Pastor Rod Bunton reminds us about true persecution, something all Christians face, although for some it is much more difficult than what must of us encounter. We are reminded by Christ’s words that being hated for His name’s sake is expected, but the one who endures to the end will be saved.

The Bread of Life

John 6:32-58 ~ Pastor Rod Bunton looks at the incarnation that we celebrate at Christmas and the many layers of meaning behind the name “The Bread of Life.”