Sermons on Luke (Page 12)

Sermons on Luke (Page 12)

Judging Others

Luke 6:37 – “Judge not, and you will not be judged.” This verse is often claimed by both Christians and non-believers, but most people misunderstand its meaning. Pastor Rod Bunton sheds some light on this controversial passage.

Love Your Enemies, Part 3

Luke 6:29-30 – When we are personally attacked, either in the court room or when someone takes something from us, our natural reaction is to seek justice. Pastor Rod Bunton helps us to have the right perspective when reacting to these challenging scenarios.

Love Your Enemies, Part 2

Luke 6:29 – “Turn the other cheek” is at the heart of this passage and yet is often misunderstood. Past Rod Bunton explains that loving your enemies isn’t about being passive.

Love Your Enemies, Part 1

Luke 6:27-36 – We have many examples of evildoers in our local circles and around the world today; these people are not easy to love. Pastor Rod Bunton reminds us that, as unredeemed sinners, we were the enemies of God and yet He chose to love us.

Blessings and Woes, Part 4

Luke 6:22,26 – Blessed are you when people hate you and woe to you when all people speak well of you. Pastor Rod Bunton looks at the fourth beatitude recorded in Luke and tells us why we should expect persecution.

Blessings and Woes, Part 3

Luke 6:21,25 – Blessed are you who weep now and woe to you who laugh now. Pastor Rod Bunton looks at the third beatitude recorded in Luke and explains why we should be weeping.

Blessings and Woes, Part 2

Luke 6:17-26 – Blessed are you who are hungry and woe to those who are satisfied. Pastor Rod Bunton looks at the second of the beatitudes and explains what that hunger is for.

Blessings and Woes, Part 1

Luke 6:17-26 – In Luke’s account of the Sermon of the Mount, a more condensed version than the one recorded by Matthew, Jesus communicates through two key words: “blessed” and “woe.” Pastor Rod Bunton starts his look at the first of the Beatitudes and helps us understand their true meaning.

Twelve Fallible Men, Part 3

Luke 6:12-16 – After significant time in prayer, Christ carefully chose those who would become His apostles — including the one that would eventually betray Him. Pastor Rod Bunton takes a look at the last five apostles chosen by Jesus.

Twelve Fallible Men, Part 2

Luke 6:12-16 – Ordinary, sinful, unqualified men, chosen not because of who they were, but because of what they would become. Pastor Rod Bunton takes a close look at five more apostles chosen by Jesus.

Twelve Fallible Men, Part 1

Luke 6:12-16 – Jesus chose twelve ordinary men to accomplish an extraordinary mission. Pastor Rod Bunton takes a closer look at two of the apostles in this introduction to the “defective dozen.”

Jesus is Our Model

Luke 6:12-16 – Before Jesus was preparing to choose apostles from his disciples, he got alone to pray to the Father. Pastor Rod Bunton shows how this is another way that Jesus is the model for our lives.