Sermons on Luke (Page 3)

Sermons on Luke (Page 3)

One of You Will Betray Me

Luke 22:19-23 During the supper with Jesus the night before he is crucified, he revealed to his disciples that one of them would betray him. Pastor Rod Bunton explains how one of the disciples, chosen by Jesus himself, was destined to carry out God’s sovereign plan and then pay the price for his betrayal.

The True Passover Lamb

Luke 22:7-20 Jesus continued to orchestrate his plan for the cross by coordinating a Passover meal the night before his death. Pastor Rod Bunton explains the significance of this meal (for centuries, a remembrance of the founding of Israel) that Jesus transformed into the Lord’s Supper — a new covenant for Israel and all believers.

The Plot to Kill Jesus

Luke 22:1-6 As the Passover drew near, the chief priests and the scribes saw an opportunity to resolve their “Jesus problem.” Pastor Rod Bunton teaches how God used these men and Judas to sovereignly carry out his plan to save believers.

The Fig Tree and the Generations

Luke 21:29-36 ~ After revealing many signs that will occur before the coming of The Day of the Lord, Jesus concludes his teaching with a parable and an admonition. Pastor Rod Bunton clarifies these controversial passages and helps us understand how to live in anticipation of the second coming.

Signs of His Coming: The Powers of the Heavens Will Be Shaken

Luke 21:25-28 ~ In the final part of his answer to his followers’ question, “When will these things be?”, Jesus describes signs in the heavens and the seas that will occur during the Great Tribulation. Pastor Rod Bunton dives deeper into these events and their timing which precede the coming of the Son of Man in a cloud with power and great glory!

Signs of His Coming: the Great Tribulation

Luke 21:20-28 ~ Continuing to answer his followers’ question, “When will these things be?”, Jesus describes some of the events that will occur during the Great Tribulation. Pastor Rod Bunton clarifies these events and ties them to other passages about the destruction of Jerusalem that precedes the Day of the Lord.

Signs of His Coming: Wars

Luke 21:8-11 ~ Continuing to answer his followers’ question, “When will these things be?”, Jesus describes the coming of wars. Pastor Rod Bunton teaches about this second sign that Jesus gives to help identify the Day of the Lord.

A Sign of Things to Come

Luke 21:5-7 ~ As Jesus is leaving the temple, some with him remarked on the beauty of the building. Pastor Rod Bunton explains that, in this introduction to the Olivet Discourse, Jesus teaches them that the impressive building would one day be destroyed, a prophetic warning that would have an impact both in the near future and into eternity.

Woe to You, Scribes and Pharisees

Luke 20:45-21:4 ~ After the scribes and Pharisees failed to expose Christ as a pretender, Jesus begins to teach his followers. Pastor Rod Bunton preaches about Jesus’ first topic in which he turns the tables and warns his disciples about the scribes and Pharisees.

Whose Son Is the Christ?

Luke 20:42-44 ~ After rebuffing the scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees, and Herodians, Jesus asks his own question to those who were trying to challenge him. Pastor Rod Bunton teaches how Jesus used the very Scriptures themselves to challenge their own understanding about the identity and nature of the Messiah.

Marriage in Heaven

Luke 20:27-40 ~ One final attempt to discredit Jesus during the week leading to the cross, this time from the Sadducees, was a question regarding the fate of a woman married several times under Levitical law when she is resurrected in Heaven. Pastor Rod Bunton explains Jesus’ answer, oft misunderstood even today, that showed the absurdity of the question and their ignorance of Scripture.