Sermons on Luke (Page 7)

Sermons on Luke (Page 7)

Be Ready, Part 2

Luke 12:35-48 ~ Jesus warned us to be ready for when He comes again. Pastor Rod Bunton reviews what it means to be ready and what will happen if we are not.

Be Ready, Part 1

Luke 12:35-48 ~ The New Testament frequently refers to the second coming of Jesus Christ. Pastor Rod Bunton reviews the sequence of the end times in order to help us understand this passage in its proper context; a passage that encourages us to be ready for events that, undeniably, will come.

The Sin of Worry, Part 3

Luke 12:22-34 ~ Verse 34 in this passage exposes where worry takes us: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Pastor Rod Bunton asks us to consider where our heart is and exhorts us desire God more than anything.

The Sin of Worry, Part 2

Luke 12:22-34 ~ Jesus taught that worry is a sin against God. Pastor Rod Bunton explains the reasons that Jesus gives us why worrying is an offense to God, a waste of our time, and keeps us from seeking what is best for us.

The Sin of Worry, Part 1

Luke 12:22-34 ~ Does God concern himself with the needs of his flock? Does he care? Is he capable? Pastor Rod Bunton uses Jesus’ teaching to help us understand when legitimate concerns become sinful worry.

The Rich Fool

Luke 12:13-21 ~ When a man asked Jesus to resolve a dispute about an inheritance, he received a parable instead. Pastor Rod Bunton teaches about the covetousness that leads to idolatry and keeps us from contentment in God.

The Unpardonable Sin

Luke 12:10-12 ~ The power of God’s forgiveness is greater than any sin we can commit, save one. Pastor Rod Bunton helps us understand this often misunderstood passage about the unpardonable sin.

Confess the Son

Luke 12:8-9 ~ Knowing that the heart of hypocrisy is the fear of man, Jesus exhorted his disciples to fear God instead. Pastor Rod Bunton teaches, as Jesus did, that we should confess Christ before men, both with our lips and with our lives.

The Heart of Hypocrisy

Luke 12:1-7 ~ After warning his disciples about the dangers of hypocrisy, he teaches them how to recognize it. Pastor Rod Bunton teaches us that the fear of man—desiring to please those around us more than God—is the source of hypocrisy.

Beware the Leaven of the Pharisees

Luke 12:1-3 ~ As the crowds began to swell, Jesus issued a warning to his disciples. Pastor Rod Bunton thoroughly discusses the warning to avoid the danger of hypocrisy.

The Commandments of Men

Luke 11:37-54 ~ After having just finished teaching about those who could not see the light of God’s truth, Jesus is invited to dine with Pharisees. Pastor Rod Bunton shows us that they weren’t embracing truth and were instead teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.

Blinded From the Light

Luke 11:33-36 – Although Christ had provided much light to those following him, many refused to see it. Pastor Rod Bunton explains why they were blinded from the truth.