John (Series) (Page 2)

John (Series) (Page 2)

Essential Roles of the Holy Spirit

John 16:8-14 Jesus was teaching the disciples about the Holy Spirit that would come to help them after Jesus’ departure. Pastor Rod Bunton reviews the four essential roles of the Holy Spirit that Jesus revealed in his teaching. This video has been replaced with the correct one.

The Work of the Holy Spirit

John 16:4-10 Jesus, teaching the eleven disciples about his upcoming departure, explained why this was a good thing. Pastor Rod Bunton starts a look into the work that the Holy Spirit does after he comes. This video has been replaced with the correct one.

The Persecuted Church, Part 2

John 15:18-27 Jesus, preparing the disciples he was about to leave, taught them about the persecution they would face because of their relationship to him. Pastor Rod Bunton concludes his teaching from this passage and reminds us that God has a solution to this problem.

The Persecuted Church, Part 1

John 15:18-20 As Jesus continued to prepare the disciples he was about to leave, he taught them why the “world” would hate them. Pastor Rod Bunton continues to teach about the persecuted church, explaining the warning, the why, and the wrong way to try to attract the world. The pre-sermon video referenced by Rod is this:

The Hatred of the World

John 15:16-18 Jesus wanted to prepare the eleven disciples for what would happen to them after he left. Pastor Rod Bunton begins an exploration of this passage where Jesus explains that being a friend to Jesus means that they will be hated by the world.

Motivations to Abide in Christ

John 15:7-16 As he continued to teach the disciples about the parable of the vine and the branches, Jesus told them how to bear more fruit. Pastor Rod Bunton covers eight motivations to abide in Christ so that we, too, have the power to bear fruit.

Two Types of Branches

John 15:3-6 After telling the eleven about the parable of the vine and the branches, Jesus explained how it applies to the two types of branches. Pastor Rod Bunton looks at how abiding in Jesus is the key to being the branch that is pruned.

The Parable of the Vine and the Branches

John 15:1-2 After leaving the upper room, Jesus continued to teach to the eleven disciples. Pastor Rod Bunton explains the parable of the vine and the two types of branches and what it means to those who follow him.

Peace that Comes from God

John 14:27-31 Jesus was addressing the eleven disciples the night before he was going to leave them and told them that they could be at peace about it. Pastor Rod Bunton explains what it means to have peace from God and how the advice given to the disciples also applies to us.

Prepared for Our Mission

John 14:18-26 The promise of the Holy Spirit was only the beginning of Jesus’ revelation about what will happen when he leaves the disciples. Pastor Rod Bunton explains that, with the help of the indwelling Trinity, we will have a desire to be obedient to carry out our mission to the world and we will have all the resources we need to carry it out.

Promise of the Holy Spirit

John 14:15-20 The eleven disciples were listening to Jesus’ discourse about coming events and how he would leave them, but then gave them great news. Pastor Rod Bunton explains that, although Jesus was with them a little while, God in the person of the Holy Spirit would come and stay with them forever.

Greater Works Than These

John 14:12-15 Jesus continued to speak to the eleven about upcoming events and told them that, when he was gone, they would perform greater works than what they had witnessed from Jesus. Pastor Rod Bunton explains what Jesus meant by this and how he provided a tool for them to use in their mission.