John (Series) (Page 3)

John (Series) (Page 3)

I Am in the Father and the Father is in Me

John 14:7-11 Having just made a significant statement to the disciples, he followed that by declaring the authority given to him to make that statement. Pastor Rod Bunton shows how Jesus revealed who the Father is and how Jesus is one with the Father.

The Way, and the Truth, and the Life

John 14:1-6 Still in the upper room, Jesus offered words of comfort to his disciples about his planned departure. Pastor Rod Bunton reviews the promises in those words that are summarized in one of Jesus’ most quoted statement.

Lord, Where are You Going?

John 13:33,36-38 Jesus revealed his plan to leave the disciples but gave them hope because he said that they would follow later. Pastor Rod Bunton explains Peter’s reaction to this news, hoping to show his loyalty to Christ, he would eventually fail in his promise.

Loving Fellow Believers

John 13:31-35 Jesus was going to have to leave his disciples because of the coming appointment on the cross and he gave them an important command to carry out in his absence. Pastor Rod Bunton shows us that the instruction to love other believers applies to all followers of Christ.

One of You Will Betray Me

John 13:18-30 While dining in what would be their last supper together, Jesus reveals to the disciples that one of them would betray him. Pastor Rod Bunton explains that even though he spoke clearly, only Judas understood what Jesus meant; furthermore, the betrayal was orchestrated by God whose plan could not be prevented.

A Lesson in Humility

John 13:1-17 Jesus and his disciples convened for what would be his last supper and he surprised them by taking on the task of washing their feet. Pastor Rod Bunton show us that this lesson in humility taught them the difference between being cleansed of the penalty of sin and being washed of the pollution of sin.

Who is Responsible for Unbelief?

John 12:37-50 Jesus spoke clearly about who he was and what his mission was while he was here, and yet many did not believe in him. Pastor Rod Bunton explains the difficult truth that both man and God are responsible for unbelief.

The Son of Man Must Be Lifted Up

John 12:27-36 As Jesus was speaking with those who sought him out, and having revealed that the hour is at hand for the “Son of Man” to be glorified, he reflected on his upcoming death. Pastor Rod Bunton explains that Jesus, in his flesh, was troubled about what was coming and yet was resolute in fulfilling his mission to glorify the Father.

The Hour Has Come

John 12:20-26 Some Greeks who followed the God of Israel were in Jerusalem for the Passover and sought out Jesus. Pastor Rod Bunton explains that Jesus’ remarks to the Greeks revealed two things: that the time had finally come to glorify Him and that the salvation offered by following Him was available to the whole world and not the Jews alone.

The Humble Entry of a King

John 12:12-19 As Jesus arrived at Jerusalem for the Passover events, he arrived on the colt of a donkey and the crowd began praising him. Pastor Rod Bunton shows us how this event had been prophesied hundreds of years earlier and that they did not understand that this King was preparing to die.

Self-sacrificial Worship

John 12:1-11 On his way to the Passover events in Jerusalem, Jesus made a stop in Bethany to dine with friends where Mary caused a stir with her incredible display of worship. Pastor Rod Bunton explains the scene, the significance, and the reaction of those who witnessed it.

The Plot to Kill Jesus

John 11:45-57 The miracle of resurrecting Lazarus stirred up those who witnessed and heard about it — some becoming believers and others were threatened by the implications. Pastor Rod Bunton explains the motivation of the Pharisees, who had political reasons to kill Jesus but dot not realize that they were just part of a predetermined plan of God.