Sunday School
Rejoice in the Lord Always
Philippians 4:4 Pastor Charlie Greenwell starts with this well known verse to examine what it means and why we should obey this command from the Lord.
Speaking the Truth
Pastor Doug Link tackles the topic of liars and truth telling in the Bible.
Serve the Lord
Joshua 24 Pastor Ben Khazraee completes the study of the book of Joshua.
Be Very Careful to Love the Lord Your God
Joshua 23 Pastor Ben Khazraee teaches from Joshua 23, wherein the old and advanced-in-years Joshua gives instruction to the nation.
A Farewell to the Transjordan Tribes
Joshua 22 Pastor Doug Link covers Chapter 22 wherein the tribes on the East side of the Jordan complete their responsibilities in a promise made to Moses, but quickly find themselves in the middle of a controversy.
Allotments for Justice and Ministry
Joshua 20-21 Pastor Ben Khazraee covers the final allotments to the people of Israel and explains why the Levites are like Wi-Fi.
Allotment of the Remaining Land
Joshua 16-19 Pastor Doug Link covers the chapters that describe the distribution of the promised land to the remaining tribes of Israel.
Inheriting the Promised Land, Illustrating Faith
Joshua 13-15 Pastor Ben Khazraee covers a passage that seems to have very little to teach us; however, there are important lessons to be learned.
The Lord Gave Israel Victory (and the Land)
Joshua 10:6-12:24 Pastor Ben Khazraee recounts the overwhelming series of victorious battles that the Israelites experienced after setting into the promised land.
An Ill-Advised Treaty with the Gibeonites
Jonah 9-10:15 Pastor Doug Link teaches about Israel’s treaty with the Gibeonites .
The Downfall of Ai
Joshua 8 Pastor Doug Link teaches from Joshua Chapter 8.
Sin in the Camp
Joshua 7 Josh Hollingsworth teaches from Joshua Chapter 7.