Sunday School (Page 14)
Day 7 – Work, Rest
Lesson 9 in the Genesis: Foundations Sunday School class. Handout (PDF)
Male and Female, He Created Them
Lesson 8 in the Genesis: Foundations Sunday School class. Related videos: Do College Kids Know the Difference Between Men and Women? (heard during lesson) Exploring Gender Identity: Can a 5’9, White Guy Be a 6’5, Chinese Woman? Handout (PDF)
Creation: Days 4-6
Lesson 7 in the Genesis: Foundations Sunday School class. Handout (PDF)
Creation: Days 2 & 3
Lesson 6 in the Genesis: Foundations Sunday School class. Handout (PDF)
Creation: Day 1, The Beginning
Lesson 5 in the Genesis: Foundations Sunday School class.
The Young Earth Creation View
Lesson 4 in the Genesis: Foundations Sunday School class.
Is the Universe a Product of Natural Forces, Laws, or Intelligent Design?
Lesson 3 in the Genesis: Foundations Sunday School class. Handout (PDF)
Creation, Science, and Philosophy (We all have a worldview)
Lesson 2 in the Genesis: Foundations Sunday School class. Handout (PDF)
Introduction to Genesis
Lesson 1 in the Genesis: Foundations Sunday School class.