Sunday School (Page 3)
The Eternal State for Believers: The New Heaven and New Earth
Pastor Ben Khazraee begins to teach on the doctrine of Heaven.
False Teachings about the Fate of Unbelievers
Pastor Charlie Greenwell continues on the doctrine of Hell, looking at universalism, inclusivism, and annihilationism.
Doctrine of Hell
Pastor Doug Link introduces the first lesson on the doctrine of Hell, a place of eternal conscious torment for the wicked.
The Hope of Resurrected Bodies
Pastor Ben Khazraee about the time when we inherit our heavenly bodies.
The Rapture
Pastor Doug Link teaches about the eschatological event known as the rapture and its applicability to those living and those who have already “fallen asleep.”
What Happens When a Person Dies? Death and the Unbeliever, Part 2
Pastor Ben Khazraee continues this personal eschatology series, focusing on the time immediately after death.
What Happens When a Person Dies? Death and the Unbeliever, Part 1
Due to technical difficulties, a recording does not exist for this lesson. In Part 2, Pastor Ben Khazraee reviews much of the content presented in this lesson. The handout is also available.
Death and All Humanity
Pastor Doug Link begins a new personal eschatology series on what the Bible says about Heaven and Hell.
Q & A
The Elders answer questions submitted by Grace Church members and attenders prior to this session. Pastor Ben Khazraee moderates and all four elders answer questions selected for them. Questions:
The End of the Pentateuch, but Not the End of the Story
Deuteronomy 32:48-34:12 Pastor Ben Khazraee concludes this series on Deuteronomy.
A Duet in Deuteronomy: The Song of Moses (feat. Joshua)
Deuteronomy 31:30-32:47 Pastor Ben Khazraee teaches from Deuteronomy 32, covering the Song of Moses.
Leadership Transition: From Moses to Joshua
Deuteronomy 31 Pastor Doug Link teaches from Deuteronomy 31.