Sunday School (Page 8)
Nadab and Abihu’s Presumptive Worship
Doug Link covers the triumphs and tragedies contained in Chapter 10 of Leviticus.
The Priesthood
Charlie Greenwell covers the role of priests from Leviticus chapters 8 and 9.
Sacrifices: Leviticus 1-7
Pastor Ben Khazraee teaches a comprehensive overview of the different types of sacrifices described in Leviticus.
Introduction to Leviticus
Pastor Doug Link starts the Leviticus series with a broad overview of one of the most neglected books of the Old Testament.
Q & A Part 2
Pastor Doug Link answers questions submitted by class members. What is the extent of our “radical” depravity? What is the order of salvation? How do we properly understand seemingly contradictory verses? Is election unconditional or conditional? Is election corporate or individual?
Q & A Part 1
Pastor Ben Khazraee answers questions submitted by class members. If God is sovereign over all, why are we responsible for our sins? Why are some given the opportunity to repent and yet don’t? Would it be more correct to say that God “knows” all things rather than “determines” all things? Was there more than one intention for atonement? Did atonement pay for the sins of the whole world or just the elect?
God’s Sovereignty and Evangelism
Pastor Doug Link tackles a confusing topic among Christians: if God is sovereign over all and determines who is saved, why should we evangelize? NOTE: Due to technical difficulties, the recording only covers the first 17 minutes, 30 seconds of the lesson.
Doctrines of Grace in the Gospel of John, Part 2
Charlie Greenwell concludes his survey of the Gospel of John to find teaching related to the doctrines of grace. Note: Audio of the Steve Lawson presentation has been removed due to respect of copyrights.
Doctrines of Grace in the Gospel of John
Charlie Greenwell surveys the Gospel of John to find teaching related to the doctrines of grace.
Perseverance of the Saints
Pastor Doug Link teaches on the last letter in the T.U.L.I.P. acrostic.
Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility
Ben Khazraee teaches about the distinctions between and coexistence of God’s divine sovereignty and our responsibility in salvation.
Unconditional Election
Doug Link continues in this series on the Doctrines of Grace by teaching about the “U” in the T.U.L.I.P. acrostic.