Sermons by Ben Khazraee

Sermons by Ben Khazraee

Jesus the Prophet

Christ has a three-fold office: Prophet, Priest, and King. Pastor Ben Khazraee focuses on the first role, that of a prophet.

Anticipating the Savior

Luke 2:25-35 Luke’s Gospel records the account of a man named Simeon who was told by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before seeing the Christ child. Pastor Ben Khazraee visits this passage and shows why we, like Simeon, should be looking forward to the coming savior.

The Joy of Being Forgiven

Psalm 32 For a Christian, this is what we know: forgiveness is a free gift of God and is, therefore, a blessing. Pastor Ben Khazraee teaches from Psalm 32 where David reminds us that confession and walking in the way of God’s word leads to the joy of being forgiven.