Sermons by Doug Link

Sermons by Doug Link

Speaking the Truth – Part 2

If the first session on this topic, Pastor Doug Link discussed a definition of lying and we learned that it is never right to lie. What about passages in the Bible where lies are told and it seems that God approves?

Do Not Be Anxious

Matthew 6:25-34 In this contemporary culture with hyper-awareness of world-wide events and societal complexity, we are prone to worry about possibilities and choices that may never occur. Pastor Doug Link leans on the words of Jesus to remind us that God knows what we need and will provide for us.

A Farewell to the Transjordan Tribes

Joshua 22 Pastor Doug Link covers Chapter 22 wherein the tribes on the East side of the Jordan complete their responsibilities in a promise made to Moses, but quickly find themselves in the middle of a controversy.

The Mercy of God in Jonah

Jonah God is not only sovereign over all creation, he is also merciful and gracious. Pastor Doug Link concludes his survey of the book of Jonah, where God’s mercy is on display despite the sinful behavior of this prophet.

The Sovereignty of God in Jonah

Jonah God has complete control over all aspects of creation, including weather, seemingly random events, human choices, and even animals. Pastor Doug Link takes us through a survey of the book of Jonah, where God’s sovereignty is on display throughout the book that we know so well.

Q & A – June 2024

The Elders answer questions submitted by Grace Church members and attenders prior to this session. Pastor Ben Khazraee moderates and all four elders answer questions selected for them. Questions: Note: The downloaded MP3 (click on Save above) has chapter markers that some players support. If you’re using the embedded player on this page, you can scroll to the desired time marker (annotated in the questions above) after you start playback.

Doctrine of Hell

Pastor Doug Link introduces the first lesson on the doctrine of Hell, a place of eternal conscious torment for the wicked.