Sermons by Doug Link (Page 5)
Q & A Part 2
Pastor Doug Link answers questions submitted by class members. What is the extent of our “radical” depravity? What is the order of salvation? How do we properly understand seemingly contradictory verses? Is election unconditional or conditional? Is election corporate or individual?
God’s Sovereignty and Evangelism
Pastor Doug Link tackles a confusing topic among Christians: if God is sovereign over all and determines who is saved, why should we evangelize? NOTE: Due to technical difficulties, the recording only covers the first 17 minutes, 30 seconds of the lesson.
Perseverance of the Saints
Pastor Doug Link teaches on the last letter in the T.U.L.I.P. acrostic.
Unconditional Election
Doug Link continues in this series on the Doctrines of Grace by teaching about the “U” in the T.U.L.I.P. acrostic.
Effectual Calling “Irresistible Grace”
Doug Link explores the “I” in the T.U.L.I.P. acrostic: Irresistible Grace.
Radical Depravity (Total Depravity)
Doug Link discusses the “Total Depravity” component of the T.U.L.I.P. acrostic.
Walking in Love
2 John 4-13 In the remaining verses of this short letter, John focuses on being obedient to Christ by loving one another and by watching diligently for false teaching. Pastor Doug Link concludes this series by showing us that loving one another must be accompanied by our desire to contend for the truth.
Walking in Truth
2 John 1-3 In this short letter, John focuses on embracing objective truth as Christians but only if it is accompanied by love. Pastor Doug Link begins this series by examining our walk in truth because when it abides in us it is what binds us together.
The Mystery of Godliness
1 Timothy 3:14-16 We love to sing Christmas songs and carols because they include so much truth about the incarnation of Jesus. Pastor Doug Link shows us a hymn about Christ found in 1 Timothy that proclaims important truths about Jesus.
Praise: Our Eternal Occupation
Psalm 146 We all know that God’s word calls us to praise him. Pastor Doug Link opens Psalm 146 to help us understand why the LORD alone is worthy and why it should be something that we should resolve to do every day of our lives.
A Father’s Wise Instruction
Proverbs 4:10-27 Solomon provided his children, and us, with excellent training in the ways of wisdom. Pastor Doug Link concludes his series from Proverbs 4 by contrasting the two paths we can take and showing how embracing wisdom requires diligent attention.
The Legacy of Wisdom
Proverbs 4:1-9 God’s word lists many responsibilities that fall on parents who have children and one of those is to impart wisdom. Pastor Doug Link preaches from Proverbs 4 to help us understand that responsibility, why it’s difficult, and why it is so important to pass on to our children.