Sermons by Doug Link (Page 6)
Praise: Our Eternal Occupation
Psalm 146 We all know that God’s word calls us to praise him. Pastor Doug Link opens Psalm 146 to help us understand why the LORD alone is worthy and why it should be something that we should resolve to do every day of our lives.
A Father’s Wise Instruction
Proverbs 4:10-27 Solomon provided his children, and us, with excellent training in the ways of wisdom. Pastor Doug Link concludes his series from Proverbs 4 by contrasting the two paths we can take and showing how embracing wisdom requires diligent attention.
The Legacy of Wisdom
Proverbs 4:1-9 God’s word lists many responsibilities that fall on parents who have children and one of those is to impart wisdom. Pastor Doug Link preaches from Proverbs 4 to help us understand that responsibility, why it’s difficult, and why it is so important to pass on to our children.
The Unsearchable Greatness of our God
Psalm 145 “God is great, God is good…”; so begins the childhood prayer. But just how great is God? Pastor Doug Link explores Psalm 145 in search of answers to who God is, how great he is, and how we should respond.
Our Advocate, Jesus Christ the Righteous
1 John 1:5-2:6 One of the three tests that confirms our salvation is our obedience to God’s commands, yet no one is able to be perfectly obedient. Pastor Doug Link explores the amazing gift given to believers, a righteous advocate that gives us hope regarding our ability to avoid sinning and cleanses us when we do sin. The song mentioned at the opening of the sermon:
Biblical Elements of Corporate Worship
We are commanded by God to worship him, but does it really matter how we do it? Pastor Doug Link tells us that God does indeed care about how we do it and his Word tells us what is acceptable and pleasing to him.
Humble Confidence in God
1 Peter 5:5b-11 Peter strengthens his brothers and sisters in Christ when he exhorts them to be humble toward each other under the mighty hand of God. Pastor Doug Link teaches that this humility is a Christian’s responsibility made possible through faith in the one who has dominion over all things forever and ever.
He Will Hold Me Fast
If you are a confessed believer, resting in your eternal salvation with God, how can you be sure that you won’t lose that gift? Pastor Doug Link takes us on a journey through the Bible, landing in Jude to find the answer.
This is My Father’s World
Psalm 24 Everything in the Earth belongs to God because He created it all. Pastor Doug Link brings us a timely reminder that nothing happens without God’s involvement.
Trust in the Lord
Proverbs 3:5-6 One of the most familiar proverbs exhorts us to trust fully in the Lord and not our own wisdom. Pastor Doug Link examines Proverbs 3:5-6 more deeply and encourages us to truly trust in the Lord.
The Providence of God in the Life of Joseph
Lesson 54 in the Genesis: Foundations Sunday School class.
An Invitation to Worship
Psalm 95 We are often called by the scriptures to worship God and praise him through song. Pastor Doug Link visits Psalm 95 to invite us to worship and to draw our attention to how and why we should.