Sermons by Rod Bunton

Sermons by Rod Bunton

The Appearance of Jesus to Seven Disciples

John 21:1-14 In the concluding chapter of John, the author narrates another instance of the resurrected Jesus appearing to a group of disciples. Pastor Rod Bunton explains how Jesus uses a fishing expedition as a metaphor for our reliance on Him.

The Appearance of Jesus to Thomas

John 20:24-31 The apostle Thomas was not with the others when Jesus appeared to them and, despite their assurances, he did not believe that it really happened. Pastor Rod Bunton describes how Jesus’ sixth appearance to “doubting” Thomas convinced him to make a remarkable declaration.

The Appearance of Jesus to the Disciples

John 20:19-23 There are at least eleven encounters with Jesus after his death and resurrection recorded in the Bible. Pastor Rod Bunton focuses on the fifth appearance, to the disciples that were hiding in fear of what would happen next.

The Resurrection of Jesus

John 20:1-18 Mary Magdalene, a faithful disciple of Christ, arrived at the tomb early on Sunday and discovered that Jesus’ body was gone. Pastor Rod Bunton explains the confusion that followed and the eventual unexpected realization that he had been resurrected even though he had already told them it would happen.

The Burial of Jesus

John 19:31-42 Jesus finished the purpose for which he was born as a babe in Bethlehem and died at the hands of the Roman soldiers under the influence of the Jewish leaders. Pastor Rod Bunton reviews the events that followed — proving that Jesus was truly dead and buried in a tomb — and shows that even in death, God was divinely orchestrating the events.

The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus

John 19:15-30 Following the trials of Jesus, where they could not prove any guilt and yet declared him so, he is immediately taken outside the city and crucified. Pastor Rod Bunton takes us through the most important event in human history, when Jesus went willingly to the wonderful cross.

The Final Trials of Jesus

John 19:1-15 The Jewish leaders were so determined to punish Jesus for blasphemy that they forced the Roman government to rush through six trials with a predetermined outcome. Pastor Rod Bunton looks at the final three trials that could not prove guilt, but still resulted in a guilty verdict.

The Trials of Jesus

John 18:13-40 Having arrested Jesus at the encouragement of the Jewish leaders, the Romans begin a series of trials to prove his guilt. Pastor Rod Bunton looks at the details of the first three of these trials, some in violation of Roman law, but all desperate to find something that would satisfy the Jewish leaders.

The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus

John 18:1-12 Moving into Chapter 18, we begin the final section of the book of John where we experience the passion of Jesus. Pastor Rod Bunton describes the betrayal by Judas, the arrest of Jesus by the Roman soldiers, and gives us an overview of the trials that will follow.

The High Priestly Prayer – Part 5

John 17:20-26 In Genesis, we learned about the fall of man that resulted in our separation from God and each other. Pastor Rod Bunton shows us how, in this final section of Jesus’ prayer to the Father, he requests restoration of unity for all believers.

The Test of a True Church – Part 2

Matthew 18:15-20 Church discipline is clearly laid out by Jesus in Matthew 18 and faithfully following these steps is one of the tests of a true church. Pastor Rod Bunton carefully describes each step and the goal of properly executing them.

The Test of a True Church – Part 1

Matthew 18:15-20 Early church reformer, Martin Luther, laid out three things that serve as criteria for a true church. Pastor Rod Bunton draws our attention to one of those: the practice of church discipline.