Sermons by Rod Bunton (Page 12)
A Transformed Heart
1 Peter 1:22-25 Peter addresses the condition our hearts before and after we are saved. Pastor Rod Bunton draws from many supporting scriptures to expound on how we show obedience to God by loving one another.
Fear God
1 Peter 1:17-21 What does it mean to fear God? Although there are many things to fear in our daily lives, fearing God is different. Pastor Rod Bunton teaches from Peter’s exhortation on the importance of fearing God and why he deserves it.
Set Your Hope on the Grace of a Holy God
1 Peter 1:13-16 After having spent time outlining who we are in Christ and what that means, Peter moves into how we should live since we are in that place. Pastor Rod Bunton looks at two principles in this passage: God is holy and we should fix our hope on his gift of grace.
Lost in Wonder, Love, and Praise
1 Peter 1:10-12 Peter wants to ensure that believers have the proper perspective regarding where they fit in God’s family and what they have in their salvation. Pastor Rod Bunton breaks down the role of prophets, led by the Holy Spirit, in proclaiming God’s truth even when they didn’t understand it fully.
Praising God in Our Present Circumstances
1 Peter 1:6-9 Armed with the proper perspective about our future hope, Peter turns to the subject of living through the trials in our present life. Pastor Rod Bunton shows how we can have joy and praise God even while we walk through difficult circumstances.
Go to the Future
1 Peter 1:3-5 Peter starts this message with a doxology and a look at the big picture of the Christian life. Pastor Rod Bunton shows us Peter’s approach: if you want to think rightly about your current affairs, to deal with the here and now, go to the future and understand God’s great mercy which gives us hope.
Chosen Aliens
1 Peter 1:1b-2 As Peter opens his letter with a greeting, he imparts important theology about who Christians are and why we are chosen by God. Pastor Rod Bunton dives deeply into the seemingly simple greeting that has a powerful meaning.
Why Listen to Peter?
1 Peter 1:1a Jesus chose an unlikely apostle to build his church. Pastor Rod Bunton begins a new series in Peter’s first epistle and pauses to reflect on the character and history of Simon Peter that made him the perfect choice for this mission.
Why Grace Church Matters
On the occasion of Grace Church’s annual congregational meeting, Pastor Rod Bunton takes the opportunity to look at why the local church is a priority to God and why Grace Church exists.
Marks of a Healthy Ministry
1 Corinthians 16:5-24 Paul concludes his letter to the Corinthian church with comments intended to encourage them to be a healthy ministry. Pastor Rod Bunton also concludes this series by examining each of the ways that Paul identified as goals for building and maintaining a healthy church.
Collection for the Saints
1 Corinthians 16:1-4 As Paul begins to close his letter to the Corinthian church, he instructs them regarding the collection of funds for the poor saints in Jerusalem. Pastor Rod Bunton expands on the history of giving to the saints and gives insight into the proper way to do it.
The Death of Death
1 Corinthians 15:50-58 Paul concludes his teaching on the resurrection of Christians by explaining more practically how it will happen. Pastor Rod Bunton reviews the lessons taught by Paul in this chapter and explains how the resurrection of believers marks our victory over death and the power of sin.