Sermons by Rod Bunton (Page 14)

Sermons by Rod Bunton (Page 14)

Avoid Israel’s Mistakes

1 Corinthians 10:1-11 Paul warns the Corinthians that running the race of sanctification means leaving the mistakes of their Israelite forefathers behind. Pastor Rod Bunton breaks down these mistakes into two main areas: reliance on rituals and sinful desires.

Saying No to Sin and Yes to Christ

1 Corinthians 9:24-27 Using the analogy of an athlete, Paul explained to the Corinthians how to have a plan to win the race for sanctification. Pastor Rod Bunton concludes this passage by contrasting what sanctification is and what it is not.

Born to Run the Race

1 Corinthians 9:24-27 Having just explained the self-restraint that is necessary for evangelizing, Paul reminds the Corinthians that restraint is also a necessary part of sanctification. Pastor Rod Bunton explores Paul’s analogy of how progressive sanctification is like an athlete running a race.

Become All Things to All People

1 Corinthians 9:19-23 Paul continued his message about restricting his own personal freedoms in order to reach others with the gospel. Pastor Rod Bunton explains how Paul became all things to all people without compromising the goal: winning others to Christ.

Outside the Law of Moses

1 Corinthians 9:19-23 Paul discussed his choice to give up his freedoms in Christ that he could have enjoyed because he was no longer under the Law of Moses. Pastor Rod Bunton explains what it means to be outside the Law of Moses, but still bound by the Law of God.

Should Pastors Be Compensated?

1 Corinthians 9:1-18 In this section addressing the proper attitude about idols and the weaker brother, Paul provides an example regarding himself and his compensation. Pastor Rod Bunton illuminates this example and explains why Paul didn’t take payment from the Corinthian church.

Wrong Thinking about Food

1 Corinthians 8:4-18 Armed with the knowledge that Christians should flee idolatry, Corinthians were concerned about eating food that had been sacrificed to idols. Pastor Rod Bunton explains how Paul taught them about the powerlessness of food to affect our relationship with God, but there is still danger and an even bigger issue.

The Danger of Theological Knowledge

1 Corinthians 8:1-3 Starting in Chapter 8, Paul enters a new section, in his letter to the Corinthians, regarding idols. Pastor Rod Bunton starts with an introductory overview and discusses the three dangers of Christian theological knowledge.

What We Believe About the Bible, Part 2

Why do we elevate the Bible at Grace Church? Why do we teach from it verse by verse? Pastor Rod Bunton concludes a short series that covers what we believe about the Bible and why we believe it.

What We Believe About the Bible, Part 1

The Bible is fundamental to Christianity but what makes it different from every other book on the shelf? Pastor Rod Bunton begins a short series that covers what we believe about the Bible and why we believe it.

With Child by the Holy Spirit

Matthew 1:18 A fundamental truth to Christianity is the way through which Christ came to live among us. In this Christmas Eve message, Pastor Rod Bunton examines the miraculous conception that has been attacked throughout history.

Jesus is God’s Greatest Sermon

John 1:14-18 It’s not always easy to understand God nor is it always easy to live with him. Pastor Rod Bunton goes to the Gospel of John for a Christmas-themed message that shows how God helped us with both of those issues by sending his son.