Sermons by Rod Bunton (Page 19)

Sermons by Rod Bunton (Page 19)

Sanctification, Part 1

If you are a believer, justified once for all in God’s righteousness, what is your obligation while on earth, awaiting the day when you are called to glory in Heaven? This week, Pastor Rod Bunton begins a careful examination of the doctrine of Sanctification, another work of the Holy Spirit.


How do you know that regeneration has happened to you? Can we even be confident about it? Pastor Rod Bunton looks at another work of the Holy Spirit: the doctrine of assurance of salvation. A video of this sermon is not available.


Regeneration is what makes us a Christian, not a confession of faith or anything else that we can do. Pastor Rod Bunton examines the Holy Spirit’s role in the important doctrine that Jesus called being “born again.”

Power and Conviction

It is important that we have a right understanding of what the Holy Spirit does and how he affects our lives. Pastor Rod Bunton continues his exploration of the work of the Holy Spirit and explains His role of empowerment and how He works personally in our lives.

Thinking Rightly About the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the most abused person of the trinity — He is often neglected in favor of focusing on the Father and the Son; sometimes He is given too much focus and is assigned many experiences and events that He has no part in. Pastor Rod Bunton continues his series and helps us to think rightly about the Holy Spirit.

The Gift of Tongues

Acts 2:1-13 On the day of Pentecost, men from every nation were gathered together listening to preaching about the mighty works of God and were bewildered when each heard it in their own native language. Pastor Rod Bunton makes some Biblical observations about the gift of tongues and discusses the controversial topic of their use today.

The Birth of the Church

Acts 2:1-4 Jesus made two promises before he ascended into Heaven: that he would build his church and that he would send the Holy Spirit to be with his believers. Pastor Rod Bunton begins a short series on the person and work of the Holy Spirit that fulfilled both promises.

The Ascension

Luke 24:50-53 Luke’s gospel account ends with a meeting between Jesus and his apostles where an amazing and significant event takes place. Pastor Rod Bunton concludes his series on the book of Luke and explains why the ascension of Jesus matters so much to Christians.

The Great Commission

Luke 24:45-49 After spending many days on Earth after his resurrection and making many appearances, Jesus made final preparations before ascending into Heaven. Pastor Rod Bunton explains how Jesus opened the minds of the apostles so that they would fully understand the instructions that he was about to give — those same instruction that apply to all Christians.

Jesus Appears to His Disciples

Luke 24:36-49 Those who met Jesus on the road to Emmaus were excited to tell the eleven disciples what they had just experienced. Pastor Rod Bunton introduces us to the scene that followed, where Jesus himself appears to the eleven to provides ample evidence of his promised resurrection.

On the Road to Emmaus

Luke 24:13-35 Although reports of Jesus’ resurrection and appearance to Mary and the apostles had spread to many of his disciples, some were still confused about what had happened. Pastor Rod Bunton explains what happened to two of those disciples as they traveled home to a nearby village and encountered a stranger who taught them from the Scriptures.

The Resurrection of Jesus

Luke 24:1-12 After the suffering, death, and burial of Jesus, some may have wondered if God the Father had changed His mind about His plans or maybe they just misunderstood what Jesus had been teaching them. Pastor Rod Bunton provides our faith with the facts that we need to understand and defend the resurrection that is the foundation for the Gospel.