Sermons by Rod Bunton (Page 22)
On the Road to Emmaus
Luke 24:13-35 Although reports of Jesus’ resurrection and appearance to Mary and the apostles had spread to many of his disciples, some were still confused about what had happened. Pastor Rod Bunton explains what happened to two of those disciples as they traveled home to a nearby village and encountered a stranger who taught them from the Scriptures.
The Resurrection of Jesus
Luke 24:1-12 After the suffering, death, and burial of Jesus, some may have wondered if God the Father had changed His mind about His plans or maybe they just misunderstood what Jesus had been teaching them. Pastor Rod Bunton provides our faith with the facts that we need to understand and defend the resurrection that is the foundation for the Gospel.
The Burial of Jesus
Luke 23:50-56 With all of the attention that is paid to the death and resurrection of Jesus, it seems that the burial is often overlooked. Pastor Rod Bunton discusses the significance of this event that is recorded in great detail in all of the Gospel accounts and the unlikely participants that God orchestrated in order to accomplish his will.
The Death of Jesus
Luke 23:44-49 The hour has come and Jesus’ time on the cross is coming to an end in what is the single most important crucifixion and death in the history of the world. Pastor Rod Bunton describes God’s commentary on the cross and the response of those who witnessed it.
Same Sentence, Different Destination
Luke 23:39-43 Two prisoners, both truly guilty of the crimes for which they were about to be punished, were crucified with Christ. Pastor Rod Bunton unfolds this scene where one of these two men received a merciful gift from God and had an entirely different outcome from the other.
The Crucifixion
Luke 23:32-38 The trials are over; Jesus has been sentenced to die and brought to the place where he would be crucified. Pastor Rod Bunton describes the scene that takes place, starting the event for which the entire Old Testament was looking forward to and the entire New Testament looked back upon.
The Road of Sorrows
Luke 23:26-32 The trials are over; Jesus, despite being found innocent by evidence, is pronounced guilty and sentenced to die. Pastor Rod Bunton leads us through the journey that Christ took as he was forced to carry his cross to the place where he would be crucified.
Jesus on Trial, Part 4
Luke 23:13-25 Pilate tried many times to declare Jesus innocent of the charges that the Jewish leaders brought against him, but they applied the right pressure and convinced him to comply. Pastor Rod Bunton wraps up this series on the trial of Jesus, highlighting the fact that the verdict was inevitable because, even though the Jewish leaders wanted Jesus on the cross that very day, God had a timetable, too.
Jesus on Trial, Part 3
Luke 23:8-16 After finding no guilt in Jesus, Pilate sees a way to escape the pressure from the accusers by sending him to Herod. Pastor Rod Bunton takes us through the second trial, which sees Herod coming to the same conclusion of innocence, and then a return to Pilate who tries one final attempt to satisfy the Jewish leaders without carrying out a sentence of death.
Jesus on Trial, Part 2
Luke 23:1-7 After a night of false accusations and illegal trials, the Jewish leadership sought to legitimize their accusations through legal civil trials with the Roman government. Pastor Rod Bunton reviews the first of those with Pilate who wasn’t pleased to cooperate but, nonetheless, participated in God’s ultimate plan.
Jesus on Trial, Part 1
Luke 22:63-71 After arresting Jesus, the chief priests and Pharisees moved swiftly towards finding charges that would convince the Roman government to put him to death. Pastor Rod Bunton reviews the first three trials, showing that they were so desperate to rush to a verdict that they even disregarded their own rules for legal proceedings.
And He Went Out and Wept Bitterly
Luke 22:54-62 Peter loved Jesus deeply and would do anything in his power to protect his savior. Pastor Rod Bunton teaches from this passage about Peter’s denial of Jesus that revealed that his confidence was misplaced.