Sermons by Rod Bunton (Page 26)

Sermons by Rod Bunton (Page 26)

Your Faith Has Made You Well

Luke 17:11-19 ~ Continuing his journey to meet his predetermined fate in Jerusalem, Jesus visited a village of lepers to heal them of their illnesses and to demonstrate yet another contrast between true believers and pretenders. Pastor Rod Bunton explains how only one who was healed was truly grateful and how the faith that he exhibited brought him healing that was more than physical.

Faith and Duty

Luke 17:5-10 ~ Continuing his teaching to the disciples in the presence of the Pharisees, Jesus covers two topics that separate true believers from self-righteous pretenders. Pastor Rod Bunton helps us understand the importance of true faith that is given by God and our duty to serve him without expecting anything in return.

Giving and Taking Offense to Sin

Luke 17:1-4 ~ Speaking to a mixed crowd, Jesus begins to focus more on his disciples with teaching that describes how believers should live and draws comparisons to the way non-believers (like the Pharisees) live their lives. Pastor Rod Bunton explains the message being taught in this passage that covers two aspects related to sin: don’t offend other believers by causing them to sin and don’t be offended when other believers sin against you.

They Have Moses and the Prophets

Luke 16:19-31 ~ Continuing his teaching, Jesus related a parable about the rich man and Lazarus that paints a clear picture of eternal suffering in Hell. Pastor Rod Bunton explains that Jesus wanted to drive his audience to repentance through the pleading of the rich man who thought he would find himself in Heaven but faced reality after death, failing to heed the warnings while he was still alive.

Characterizing Empty Religion

Luke 16:14-18 ~ After hearing Jesus teach about the dishonest manager and the impossibility of serving two masters, the Pharisees (who were lovers of money) ridiculed Jesus. Pastor Rod Bunton explores Jesus’ response to this ridicule where he identifies four things that characterized the Pharisees and other empty religions.

No Servant Can Serve Two Masters

Luke 16:1-13 ~ Jesus told a parable to his disciples and the Pharisees in attendance about a dishonest manager who is fired then takes action to benefit himself and is praised for his shrewdness. Pastor Rod Bunton clarifies this confusing parable to expose the real lesson that Jesus was teaching and how it applies to our lives.

Another Lost Son

Luke 15:25-32 ~ In the second half of Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son, the older son announces his frustration and anger about how his younger brother was celebrated. Pastor Rod Bunton shows us how the older son’s attitude mirrors that of the Pharisees and Scribes that were hearing the teaching.

A Lost Son

Luke 15:11-24 ~ Jesus continues to teach the Pharisees and Scribes, telling them a shocking parable about the prodigal son. Pastor Rod Bunton explains how this resembles our own rebellion against God and the rejoicing he experiences when we finally repent.

A Lost Sheep, a Lost Coin

Luke 15:1-10 ~ Jesus had a mixed audience when he addressed the dissatisfaction of the Pharisees and Scribes about his association with the tax collectors and sinners. Pastor Rod Bunton explains the first two of three parables that Jesus used to teach his audience about the joy experienced in Heaven when a sinner repents.

The Cost of Discipleship

Luke 14:25-35 ~ What is the desire of your heart? Jesus addresses another large crowd, many of whom were not true followers, and tells them something astounding. Pastor Rod Bunton explores the meaning behind Jesus’ message that asks us to hate our families and even ourselves.

The Great Banquet

Luke 14:15-24 ~ Continuing the narrative of Jesus dining with the Pharisees and Scribes, another opportunity arises to correct their false beliefs. Pastor Rod Bunton explains how the parable Jesus gives about invited guests to a banquet relates to the fate of these non-believing Jews and their invitation to the Kingdom of God.

Exposing the Greatest Threats to the Church

Luke 14:1-14 ~ When Jesus was invited to dine with Pharisees on the Sabbath, they were seeking to find something of which to accuse Him of violating. Pastor Rod Bunton shows how Jesus used this opportunity to expose their false teaching and prideful lifestyles.