Sermons by Rod Bunton (Page 32)
The Parable of the Soils, Part 2
Luke 8:4-15 – After Jesus addressed a crowd and delivered the parable of the soils, he turned to his disciples to explain the meaning. Pastor Rod Bunton helps us to understand its meaning, too.
The Parable of the Soils, Part 1
Luke 8:4-15 – This well known passage is often called The Parable of the Sower, but the focus of the parable is not the sower or even the seeds. Pastor Rod Bunton explains that the parable is about the condition of the heart.
The Work and Workers of Jesus
Luke 8:1-3 – Luke starts Chapter 8 by describing the typical ministry of Jesus, including three women that were traveling with him. Pastor Rod Bunton uses this passage to remind us to focus on the depth of our ministry and let God take care of the breadth.
Who is This, Who Even Forgives Sins?
Luke 7:36-50 – When Simon the Pharisee invited Jesus to dine at his home, he hoped to trap him doing something controversial in order to discredit him. Pastor Rod Bunton show us how Jesus turned the event into another teaching moment, further proving his deity.
A Generation of Unbelievers
Luke 7:31-35 – Unbelievers rejected the message from both John the Baptist and Jesus, and so they attacked the messengers. Pastor Rod Bunton explains that the truth is more important than the presentation.
A Voice Crying in the Wilderness
Luke 7:24-30 – John the Baptist was not like other prophets, in fact his primary purpose was to work himself out of a job. Pastor Rod Bunton continues in this passage about a very peculiar prophet.
Believe John, Believe in Me
Luke 7:24-30 – Jesus wasn’t what the Jews were expecting as they anticipated the prophesied Messiah. Pastor Rod Bunton explains how Jesus encouraged them to believe the man that he said was the greatest among those born of women.
Shall We Look for Another?
Luke 7:18-23 – Doubt is not an uncommon occurrence for believers; even John the Baptist had questions after hearing about Jesus’ activities. Pastor Rod Bunton helps us understand the causes for doubt and how to deal with it.
A Divine Encounter with Death
Luke 7:11-17 – When Jesus went to to see the widow at the funeral of her only son, it was a purposeful mission of compassion. Pastor Rod Bunton teaches how this divine encounter accomplished His ultimate goal.
Amazing Faith
Luke 7:1-10 – A centurion with an uncommon concern for his servant trusted that Jesus could heal merely by speaking. Pastor Rod Bunton teaches about this “unworthy” Gentile that exhibited more faith than many Jews.
The Foundation of Jesus’ Words
Luke 6:46-49 – The parable of the two houses effectively teaches the importance of a good foundation. Pastor Rod Bunton explains how Jesus’ words should be the foundation upon which every Christian life is built.
Contending for the Truth
Luke 6:39-45 – In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus warns us to be wary of false teachers. Pastor Rod Bunton highlights some practical ways to identify false teachers today.