Sermons by Rod Bunton (Page 36)

Sermons by Rod Bunton (Page 36)

Doctrines of Demons, Part 2

Luke 4:31-37 ~ Pastor Rod Bunton continues to look at the truth about demons and how the Devil rules over the mindset of this world.

Doctrines of Demons, Part 1

Luke 4:31-37 ~ Jesus’ power and authority over demons was an important demonstration of His deity. Pastor Rod Bunton explains that it’s also important for us to understand what demons are and what they aren’t.

Power Over the Devil and His Demons

Luke 4:31-37 ~ As Jesus’ ministry progressed, people were astonished at the authority that his words possessed. Pastor Rod Bunton explains that Jesus possessed more than just authority.

Today This Scripture Has Been Fulfilled

Luke 4:14-30 ~ When Jesus returned to the synagogue at Nazareth, he read from the scroll of the prophet Isaiah. Pastor Rod Bunton teaches about the bold claim that Jesus made and how the people reacted.

Don’t Test God, Trust Him

Luke 4:1-13 ~ Pastor Rod Bunton concludes his study of the temptations of Christ and shows how we can apply these lessons in our own lives.

Power Over Satan, Power Over Sin

Luke 4:1-13 ~ Luke records three temptations experienced by Jesus and describes His perfect responses to them. Pastor Rod Bunton starts to look at each temptation and how Jesus’ resistance gives us the power to do the same.

He Understands Temptation

Luke 4:1-13 ~ The humanity of Christ is a major theme in the book of Luke. Pastor Rod Bunton introduces the temptations offered to Jesus by Satan and answers the question, “Could Jesus have sinned?”

Son of Adam, Son of God

Luke 3:23-38 ~ “For as by the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the one man’s obedience the many will be made righteous.” (Romans 5:19) Pastor Rod Bunton teaches the importance of Jesus’ genealogy in the gospel of Luke.

A Divine Baptism

Luke 3:15-22 ~ John’s ministry involved the baptism of men in need of repentance, but he also baptized Jesus. Pastor Rod Bunton explains why a perfect man had to do what seemed unnecessary.

He Who is Mightier Than I is Coming

Luke 3:7-20 ~ John the Baptist preached repentance because he knew that the messiah was coming. Pastor Rod Bunton explains the consequences of that coming event for those who do not repent.

The Fruit of Repentance

Luke 3:1-14 ~ Repentance is the essential doctrine of salvation because you need to see your sin to turn away from it and towards God. Pastor Rod Bunton follows the ministry of John the Baptist and explains that true repentance, granted by God, produces fruit in our lives.

Baptism of Repentance

Luke 3:1-9 ~ Luke provides a view into the ministry of John the Baptist. Pastor Rod Bunton explains how that ministry, leading up the to coming ministry of Jesus, was focused on repentance.