Sermons on Eschatology

Sermons on Eschatology

Doctrine of Hell

Pastor Doug Link introduces the first lesson on the doctrine of Hell, a place of eternal conscious torment for the wicked.

The Rapture

Pastor Doug Link teaches about the eschatological event known as the rapture and its applicability to those living and those who have already “fallen asleep.”

Be Diligent in Your Preparation

2 Peter 3:14-15 As we await the day of the Lord, we shouldn’t just waste the time that we have. Pastor Rod Bunton teaches that we should be working diligently to prepare ourselves by pursuing holiness.

The Day of the Lord: Characteristics

2 Peter 3:10-13 When the Day of the Lord comes, what will it look like? Pastor Rod Bunton looks at the characteristics of that event and explains why we should care about it now.

The Day of the Lord: Three Assurances

2 Peter 3:5-9 False teachers in the first century were skeptical of the second coming of the Lord and the judgment of unbelievers — after all, it had never happened before! Pastor Rod Bunton looks at three assurances that the Day of the Lord will happen just as prophesied by Jesus himself.

The Day of the Lord: Prophecy vs. Mockery

2 Peter 3:1-4 In Chapter 3, Peter turns to the second coming of Christ and the judgment that event will bring. Pastor Rod Bunton looks at the first four verses that discuss the contrast between true prophecy about the event from the Scriptures verses those false prophets who, in their ignorance, mock those who believe.
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