Sermons on Local Church

Sermons on Local Church

The Test of a True Church – Part 2

Matthew 18:15-20 Church discipline is clearly laid out by Jesus in Matthew 18 and faithfully following these steps is one of the tests of a true church. Pastor Rod Bunton carefully describes each step and the goal of properly executing them.

The Test of a True Church – Part 1

Matthew 18:15-20 Early church reformer, Martin Luther, laid out three things that serve as criteria for a true church. Pastor Rod Bunton draws our attention to one of those: the practice of church discipline.

Shepherd the Flock of God

1 Peter 5:1-4 In this final chapter of his first epistle, Peter addresses the leadership of the church. Pastor Rod Bunton surveys the Bible on the topic of leadership to help us understand what God’s word says about the proper approach.

Why Grace Church Matters

On the occasion of Grace Church’s annual congregational meeting, Pastor Rod Bunton takes the opportunity to look at why the local church is a priority to God and why Grace Church exists.

Why We Gather, Part 3

We gather in the local church because God has commanded it. We gather because it helps us grow spiritually. Pastor Rod Bunton concludes this series by reminding us that there is another reason: we must go out from the church into the world to carry out our mission for the kingdom.

Why We Gather, Part 2

The church is imperfect, many wrong things have been done in the name of the church, and it seems there are hypocrites everywhere. Pastor Rod Bunton answers the question, “Is it even necessary to go to church?”

Why We Gather, Part 1

In light of the current health crisis and also because of a generational shift in our culture, “going to church” has changed. In a short series, Pastor Rod Bunton focuses on the church and examines why we gather locally.

Divisions Within the Church

1 Corinthians 1:10-17 The first issue that Paul addressed in this letter is the divisions within the membership that had been reported to him. Pastor Rod Bunton explains the cause for these divisions that leads to a surprising declaration by Paul concerning baptism.

Loving Discipline, Part 2

Matthew 18:15-17 – Church discipline is necessary to heal the body from the infection of sin. Pastor Rod Bunton continues to examine the process of church discipline that, when executed Biblically, is one of the Twelve Marks of a Healthy Church.

Loving Discipline, Part 1

Matthew 18:15-17 – Church discipline is painful and difficult, but necessary and rewarding. Pastor Rod Bunton explains an often misunderstood process that, when executed Biblically, is one of the Twelve Marks of a Healthy Church.
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