Sermons on The Gospel (Page 2)
Faithful in the Flesh
1 Peter 4:1-6 Peter follows his teaching about the suffering of Christ with teaching about believers who will also suffer before eternal glorification in Heaven. Pastor Rod Bunton highlights five practical ways to remain faithful to Christ while living in the flesh with our sinful desires.
Unconditional Election
Doug Link continues in this series on the Doctrines of Grace by teaching about the “U” in the T.U.L.I.P. acrostic.
The Cure: Being Born Again
Ben Khazraee discusses the solution to the problem discussed in the previous lesson (total/radical depravity).
Lost in Wonder, Love, and Praise
1 Peter 1:10-12 Peter wants to ensure that believers have the proper perspective regarding where they fit in God’s family and what they have in their salvation. Pastor Rod Bunton breaks down the role of prophets, led by the Holy Spirit, in proclaiming God’s truth even when they didn’t understand it fully.
The Death of Death
1 Corinthians 15:50-58 Paul concludes his teaching on the resurrection of Christians by explaining more practically how it will happen. Pastor Rod Bunton reviews the lessons taught by Paul in this chapter and explains how the resurrection of believers marks our victory over death and the power of sin.
You Can’t Separate the Resurrection from the Gospel
1 Corinthians 15:29-44 Paul continues to unravel the mysteries that the Corinthian church were struggling with regarding the physical resurrection of the body after death. Pastor Rod Bunton explains three more arguments why the resurrection cannot be separated from the Gospel.
The Order of Resurrection
1 Corinthians 15:20-26 Oftentimes, Christians are confused about the details related to the resurrection of believers and Paul addressed this in his letter. Pastor Rod Bunton explains the three things that all Christians will experience and how the timing of the bodily resurrection will take place.
Living in Light of the Resurrection — Setting Our Minds on Things Above
Pastor Ben Khazraee gives us a topical meditation about how Christians are heaven-bound because of Christ’s resurrection along with seven realities about setting our mind on things above.
The Resurrection of the Dead
1 Corinthians 15:12-19 Having just provided evidence of the bodily resurrection of Christ, Paul poses this question: “How can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead?” Pastor Rod Bunton looks at the implications of denying the bodily resurrection and ends with the good news: Christ has been raised from the dead and we will be, too!
The Eyewitnesses of the Resurrection of Christ
1 Corinthians 15:5-11 Continuing his discourse on the importance of the resurrection of Christ, Paul turned to the evidence supporting the event. Pastor Rod Bunton reviews the list of eyewitnesses of the literal, bodily resurrection of Jesus — all of whom became the best equipped preachers of the Gospel.
The Importance of the Resurrection of Christ
1 Corinthians 15:1-4 Paul turned to the Gospel in Chapter 15 and started by establishing the elements of it that matter. Pastor Rod Bunton reviews these details and reminds us that if Christ did not rise from the dead, our faith is worthless.
Saying No to Sin and Yes to Christ
1 Corinthians 9:24-27 Using the analogy of an athlete, Paul explained to the Corinthians how to have a plan to win the race for sanctification. Pastor Rod Bunton concludes this passage by contrasting what sanctification is and what it is not.