Sermons on The Gospel (Page 3)
Saying No to Sin and Yes to Christ
1 Corinthians 9:24-27 Using the analogy of an athlete, Paul explained to the Corinthians how to have a plan to win the race for sanctification. Pastor Rod Bunton concludes this passage by contrasting what sanctification is and what it is not.
Born to Run the Race
1 Corinthians 9:24-27 Having just explained the self-restraint that is necessary for evangelizing, Paul reminds the Corinthians that restraint is also a necessary part of sanctification. Pastor Rod Bunton explores Paul’s analogy of how progressive sanctification is like an athlete running a race.
From the Depths of Guilt to the Heights of Grace: The Assurance of Forgiveness
Psalm 130 How foolish we are when we don’t recognize when we are in need of forgiveness! Pastor Ben Khazraee explores Psalm 130 to discover our desperate need and the source of plentiful redemption.
Why Doesn’t Everyone Believe?
1 Corinthians 2:14-16 Can sufficient evidence and argument save a person? Can they be convinced to believe with enough faith to be born again? Pastor Rod Bunton examines Paul’s teaching that, although man is naturally resistant to God’s revelation, faith that saves is a gift from God which requires the intervention of the Holy Spirit.
God Has a Plan
1 Corinthians 2:8-13 Paul began addressing the issue within the Corinthian church of teaching a man-centered gospel by pointing out that is was ever-changing and powerless. In this passage, he continues by pointing out that only God’s inspired scripture reveals His plan. Pastor Rod Bunton teaches that this is crucial because you can have confidence that the message of salvation is truly God’s message.
Boast in the Lord
1 Corinthians 1:26-31 The Corinthians were trying to change the Gospel to make it more impressive and to make it match their own understanding. Pastor Rod Bunton explains that we can be in Christ because God alone made it possible so that no man can boast in his own accomplishment of salvation.
The Power of the Offensive and the Unimpressive
1 Corinthians 1:26-31 Paul emphasized that he did not want or need to embellish the Gospel message in order to impress his audience. Pastor Rod Bunton explains that those who want to change the Gospel to appeal to man don’t realize that the point of the Gospel is to humiliate the wisdom of man.
The Wisdom and Power of the Gospel
1 Corinthians 1:17-25 In ancient Greece people were in love with human wisdom, that is, philosophy. Pastor Rod Bunton discusses the next issue affecting the Corinthian church who were looking for eloquent speech instead of realizing the power of the gospel message.
Sanctification, Part 7
1 Corinthians 9:24–27 The apostle Paul compared our journey of growth in sanctification to an athletic contest where the competition is our own fleshly nature and the prize is much greater than what man can bestow. Pastor Rod Bunton encourages us from scripture to embrace righteousness and exercise self-control as he concludes his in-depth examination of the doctrine of Sanctification, another work of the Holy Spirit.
Sanctification, Part 6
Growth in our sanctification requires both changing our behavior regarding sin and also living our lives in Christ. Pastor Rod Bunton continues giving us practical ways to accomplish these things in his examination of the doctrine of Sanctification, another work of the Holy Spirit.
Sanctification, Part 5
Romans 6 Knowing that we are dead to sin and that we should live as if we are alive to God through Christ is great, but how do we do this, practically? Pastor Rod Bunton continues in Romans Chapter 6 and a careful examination of the doctrine of Sanctification, another work of the Holy Spirit.
Sanctification, Part 4
Romans 6 Being dead to sin, no longer a slave to it, also comes with something wonderful: life in Christ. Pastor Rod Bunton continues in Romans Chapter 6 and a careful examination of the doctrine of Sanctification, another work of the Holy Spirit.