Sermons on Deity of Christ
Truly God: Christ’s Divine Nature
Pastor Ben Khazraee tackles the first topic in our study of Christology.
I Am in the Father and the Father is in Me
John 14:7-11 Having just made a significant statement to the disciples, he followed that by declaring the authority given to him to make that statement. Pastor Rod Bunton shows how Jesus revealed who the Father is and how Jesus is one with the Father.
The Messiah is God
John 10:30-42 Having just declared that he and the Father are one, Jesus stirred up the anger of the Jews who judged him guilty of blasphemy. Pastor Rod Bunton shows us why they shouldn’t have been surprised at Jesus’ claim since it was clearly prophesied in the Old Testament scriptures.
I and the Father Are One
John 10:22-30 Two months since our last passage, Jesus was confronted once again by the Jews and challenged about his identity as the Christ and so Jesus answers them plainly. Pastor Rod Bunton explains that even though they heard Jesus assert his deity, they still could not believe.
You Have the Wrong Father
John 8:37-59 Jesus entered a debate with those listening to him and he revealed to them that the reason they didn’t believe him was because they were following the wrong father. Pastor Rod Bunton walks us through that debate and the incredible claims that Jesus made at its conclusion.
He Was in the Beginning with God
John 1:1-2 In the first two verses of John’s gospel account, he teaches some amazing and critically necessary doctrines. Pastor Rod Bunton examines three important things taught by John that we must believe to be Christians.
The Deity of Christ
John The Gospel account from John was written so that we may know that Jesus is the Messiah and also the son of God. Pastor Rod Bunton begins a new series in the book of John and, through a quick survey, highlights the theme which occurs throughout.