Sermon Archive (Page 10)

Sermon Archive (Page 10)

Sermons preached at Grace Church. The most recent sermons are listed first. You can also find a sermon by topic, series, books of the Bible, speaker, or by date.

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The Son of Man Gives Life

John 5:24-30 After boldly claiming equality with God, Jesus went on to teach the importance of believing his words and repenting. Pastor Rod Bunton explains the two different consequences for those who hear and believe and those who don’t.

Jesus is Equal with God

John 5:16-24 Having just healed on the Sabbath, the Jews were stirred to anger at Jesus. What happened next moved them to seek to find a way to kill him. Pastor Rod Bunton looks at Jesus’ claim of equality with God and the evidences that he presented to support that claim.

Healing Leads to Grace or Rejection

John 4:43-5:17 John includes two encounters that Jesus had with people in need of healing and their contrasting responses are significant. Rod Bunton explores how Jesus’ healing miracles led to saving faith in one case and rejection in the other.

Worship in Spirit and Truth

John 4:23-26 While revealing his deity to the woman at the well, Jesus also emphasized that worship wasn’t about a place but about a person. Pastor Rod Bunton looks at two characteristics of worship taught by Jesus in this passage.

Worship the Father

John 4:20-24 Part of the teaching from Jesus to the Samaritan woman was about worshipping the true God. Pastor Rod Bunton explores a number of related passages in this introduction to becoming a true worshipper.

The Woman at the Well

John 4:1-42 In this well-known story, we learn about a Samaritan woman who arrives at a water well and meets Jesus. Pastor Rod Bunton explores the revelations and impacts in this passage where a city in Samaria learns about the Savior of the world.