Sermon Archive (Page 13)

Sermon Archive (Page 13)

Sermons preached at Grace Church. The most recent sermons are listed first. You can also find a sermon by topic, series, books of the Bible, speaker, or by date.

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The Deity of Christ

John The Gospel account from John was written so that we may know that Jesus is the Messiah and also the son of God. Pastor Rod Bunton begins a new series in the book of John and, through a quick survey, highlights the theme which occurs throughout.

Growing Old Gracefully

Ecclesiastes 12:1-8 Growing old, if we are granted the opportunity, can be challenging. Pastor Rod Bunton spends time reviewing the benefits and dangers we face as we desire to glorify God in the process of growing old.

A Call to Continue in the Faith

2 Timothy 3:10-15 Paul chose Timothy to join his ministry so that he might be taught how to teach the Gospel and to minister to the church. Pastor Doug Link uses this passage from Paul’s letter to Timothy that reminds him, and us, to remain steadfast in his lifestyle and faithful to his purpose.

Living by Faith in an Evil World

Habakkuk When life is confusing and difficult, when the world doesn’t make sense, turn to the Lord! Pastor Rod Bunton looks at the lessons from the prophet Habakkuk who asked God pressing questions about evil in the world and the Lord’s response caused Habakkuk to rejoice in song.

From Reconciliation to Ambassadors

2 Corinthians 5:18-21 Even though, as sinners, we offend God, He is the one that offers reconciliation. Pastor Rod Bunton explains why God does this and what responsibility we have as believers after we are reconciled.

Final Warning: Only Believe the Source of Truth

2 Peter 3:15b-18 In closing his second letter, Peter sums up the point of his message. Pastor Rod Bunton concludes his teaching on this book by reminding us that Christians should be wary of false teachers and follow only the teaching of the apostles who were led by the Holy Spirit.