Sermons preached at Grace Church. The most recent sermons are listed first. You can also find a sermon by topic, series, books of the Bible, speaker, or by date.
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The Priesthood
Charlie Greenwell covers the role of priests from Leviticus chapters 8 and 9.
Share the Sufferings of Christ
1 Peter 4:12-19 Although the theme of this epistle has been about Christian suffering, Peter focuses directly on that topic in this summary. Pastor Rod Bunton tells us that we should expect it, rejoice in it, and be sure that we are suffering as true Christians.
Sacrifices: Leviticus 1-7
Pastor Ben Khazraee teaches a comprehensive overview of the different types of sacrifices described in Leviticus.
Living in Light of the End, Part 2
1 Peter 4:9-11 Peter continues to explain the ways in which we should live, keeping in mind the knowledge of the end times. Pastor Rod Bunton concludes this passage about living the new life, examining more ways to love one another and how to be good stewards of God’s spiritual gifts.
Introduction to Leviticus
Pastor Doug Link starts the Leviticus series with a broad overview of one of the most neglected books of the Old Testament.
Living in Light of the End, Part 1
1 Peter 4:7-8 Peter follows his reminder that the end is coming with a transition to how we should live with that knowledge. Pastor Rod Bunton begins to look at those things, starting with our vertical and horizontal relationships.
Q & A Part 2
Pastor Doug Link answers questions submitted by class members. What is the extent of our “radical” depravity? What is the order of salvation? How do we properly understand seemingly contradictory verses? Is election unconditional or conditional? Is election corporate or individual?
How the World is Going to End
1 Peter 4:7a Before transitioning to the next point in his letter, Peter reminds his audience that the world, as we know it, will end one day. Pastor Rod Bunton describes that end according to the truth of the eschatology contained in the books of Daniel and Revelation.
Faithful in the Flesh
1 Peter 4:1-6 Peter follows his teaching about the suffering of Christ with teaching about believers who will also suffer before eternal glorification in Heaven. Pastor Rod Bunton highlights five practical ways to remain faithful to Christ while living in the flesh with our sinful desires.
Q & A Part 1
Pastor Ben Khazraee answers questions submitted by class members. If God is sovereign over all, why are we responsible for our sins? Why are some given the opportunity to repent and yet don’t? Would it be more correct to say that God “knows” all things rather than “determines” all things? Was there more than one intention for atonement? Did atonement pay for the sins of the whole world or just the elect?
How and Why We Disciple One Another
Ephesians 4:12-16 Pastor Ben Khazraee concludes a two-part series on discipleship, answering two more questions: “Why should we disciple one another?” and “How do we do it?”
God’s Sovereignty and Evangelism
Pastor Doug Link tackles a confusing topic among Christians: if God is sovereign over all and determines who is saved, why should we evangelize? NOTE: Due to technical difficulties, the recording only covers the first 17 minutes, 30 seconds of the lesson.