Sermons preached at Grace Church. The most recent sermons are listed first. You can also find a sermon by topic, series, books of the Bible, speaker, or by date.
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Addressing Husbands
1 Peter 3:7 Peter follows up the passage about wives with a single, yet packed, verse addressing husbands. Pastor Rod Bunton hits the many points in this verse hard as he explains how husbands should treat their wives.
Effectual Calling “Irresistible Grace”
Doug Link explores the “I” in the T.U.L.I.P. acrostic: Irresistible Grace.
Addressing Wives
1 Peter 3:1-6 In Chapter 3, Peter addresses the appropriate behavior of wives and husbands regarding their relationships to each other. Pastor Rod Bunton, providentially preaching on Father’s Day, tackles a subject that is very controversial in today’s culture.
The Cure: Being Born Again
Ben Khazraee discusses the solution to the problem discussed in the previous lesson (total/radical depravity).
Christ Also Suffered
1 Peter 2:22-25 The main theme of Peter’s first epistle is the suffering of Christians during their time on Earth, just as Christ predicted. Pastor Rod Bunton closes out Chapter 2 by reminding us that Christ suffered willingly so that we may be freed from the slavery of sin.
Radical Depravity (Total Depravity)
Doug Link discusses the “Total Depravity” component of the T.U.L.I.P. acrostic.
Called to Endure
1 Peter 2:18-21 Just like today, people in Peter’s audience did not want to be treated unfairly, especially by those in a position of power over them, and so he addressed the proper Christian response to that circumstance. Pastor Rod Bunton explores that desire to be “autonomous” that tempts us to rebel against those in authority.
Introduction to the Doctrines of Grace
Ben Khazraee begins the Summer Sunday School Series by introducing the topic.
A Hard List
1 Peter 2:15-17 Peter encourages his readers to live in a way that puts Christ on display by instructing them to do some inconvenient things. Pastor Rod Bunton continues his series by examining each of these four things that show that we fear God more than we fear people.
Repeal of Roe vs. Wade?
Pastor Rod Bunton reflects on the Christian perspective on abortion in anticipation of the Supreme Court’s expected repeal of the landmark case that made the procedure legal in the United States. The video referenced during the lesson can be viewed here.
Walking in Love
2 John 4-13 In the remaining verses of this short letter, John focuses on being obedient to Christ by loving one another and by watching diligently for false teaching. Pastor Doug Link concludes this series by showing us that loving one another must be accompanied by our desire to contend for the truth.
Walking in Truth
2 John 1-3 In this short letter, John focuses on embracing objective truth as Christians but only if it is accompanied by love. Pastor Doug Link begins this series by examining our walk in truth because when it abides in us it is what binds us together.