Sermon Archive (Page 29)

Sermon Archive (Page 29)

Sermons preached at Grace Church. The most recent sermons are listed first. You can also find a sermon by topic, series, books of the Bible, speaker, or by date.

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And Such Were Some of You

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 Paul set out to clear up two questions that the Corinthian church was struggling with: “Who goes to Heaven?” and “Is the power of the Gospel enough to save everyone?” Pastor Rod Bunton helps us understand who “the unrighteous” are and shows us that no one is beyond God’s transforming power.

Our Advocate, Jesus Christ the Righteous

1 John 1:5-2:6 One of the three tests that confirms our salvation is our obedience to God’s commands, yet no one is able to be perfectly obedient. Pastor Doug Link explores the amazing gift given to believers, a righteous advocate that gives us hope regarding our ability to avoid sinning and cleanses us when we do sin. The song mentioned at the opening of the sermon:

Lawsuits Against Believers

1 Corinthians 6:1-8 We live in a society that is increasingly litigious; some cases are serious but often they are trivial or petty. Paul addressed this issue within the Corinthian church pointing out that their conduct was affecting their character. Pastor Rod Bunton explores this topic, reminding us that conflict within the church becomes a public testimony of the entire church, hindering the primary mission.

Loving Intolerance, Part 4

1 Corinthians 5 Approaching the end of Chapter 5, Paul addresses the remedy for the immorality of a church member and clarifies how it should be applied. Pastor Rod Bunton concludes his study on this important passage with some practical applications for us today.

Loving Intolerance, Part 3

1 Corinthians 5 Paul was addressing the issue of sexual immorality by a member of the Corinthian church and he pointed out that tolerating the unrepentant member was harming the church. Pastor Rod Bunton continues looking at this passage and reminds us that we should keep the church pure and make ourselves worthy to celebrate the Passover Lamb.

Loving Intolerance, Part 2

1 Corinthians 5 Paul was addressing the issue of sexual immorality by a member of the Corinthian church and suggested an appropriate response. Pastor Rod Bunton continues looking at this passage and tells us that a “rescue mission” was appropriate then and is also the only loving response in today’s church, too.

Loving Intolerance

1 Corinthians 5 Paul turns his attention to another issue in the Corinthian church, this time relating to a report of sexual immorality by a member. Pastor Rod Bunton points out that, although the sin itself was a problem, the church’s attitude about it was dangerous.

Why We Gather, Part 3

We gather in the local church because God has commanded it. We gather because it helps us grow spiritually. Pastor Rod Bunton concludes this series by reminding us that there is another reason: we must go out from the church into the world to carry out our mission for the kingdom.

Why We Gather, Part 2

The church is imperfect, many wrong things have been done in the name of the church, and it seems there are hypocrites everywhere. Pastor Rod Bunton answers the question, “Is it even necessary to go to church?”

Why We Gather, Part 1

In light of the current health crisis and also because of a generational shift in our culture, “going to church” has changed. In a short series, Pastor Rod Bunton focuses on the church and examines why we gather locally.

Resolving Pride

1 Corinthians 4:14-21 Having exposed and then rebuking the sin of pride in the Corinthian church, now Paul presents a resolution to their pride. Pastor Rod Bunton explains that Paul provides two options: humbling themselves or being humbled by God.

Rebuking Pride

1 Corinthians 4:9-13 Paul exposed the prideful ways of the Corinthian church because they saw themselves as believers who had arrived, even boasting about following certain apostles. Pastor Rod Bunton shows how Paul contrasted that to the humble lives of the apostles, the very people the church was adoring, who saw themselves as the bottom of the barrel.