Sermons preached at Grace Church. The most recent sermons are listed first. You can also find a sermon by topic, series, books of the Bible, speaker, or by date.
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The Birth of the Church
Acts 2:1-4 Jesus made two promises before he ascended into Heaven: that he would build his church and that he would send the Holy Spirit to be with his believers. Pastor Rod Bunton begins a short series on the person and work of the Holy Spirit that fulfilled both promises.
The Ascension
Luke 24:50-53 Luke’s gospel account ends with a meeting between Jesus and his apostles where an amazing and significant event takes place. Pastor Rod Bunton concludes his series on the book of Luke and explains why the ascension of Jesus matters so much to Christians.
The Great Commission
Luke 24:45-49 After spending many days on Earth after his resurrection and making many appearances, Jesus made final preparations before ascending into Heaven. Pastor Rod Bunton explains how Jesus opened the minds of the apostles so that they would fully understand the instructions that he was about to give — those same instruction that apply to all Christians.
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
Psalm 46 Martin Luther, critical to the Christian reformation movement, gained confidence in his position from the word of God, eventually penning the hymn that describes God as our fortress. Pastor Ben Khazraee dives into Psalm 46 and explains how we, like Luther, can rely on God for our strength in all situations.
Jesus Appears to His Disciples
Luke 24:36-49 Those who met Jesus on the road to Emmaus were excited to tell the eleven disciples what they had just experienced. Pastor Rod Bunton introduces us to the scene that followed, where Jesus himself appears to the eleven to provides ample evidence of his promised resurrection.
On the Road to Emmaus
Luke 24:13-35 Although reports of Jesus’ resurrection and appearance to Mary and the apostles had spread to many of his disciples, some were still confused about what had happened. Pastor Rod Bunton explains what happened to two of those disciples as they traveled home to a nearby village and encountered a stranger who taught them from the Scriptures.
The Resurrection of Jesus
Luke 24:1-12 After the suffering, death, and burial of Jesus, some may have wondered if God the Father had changed His mind about His plans or maybe they just misunderstood what Jesus had been teaching them. Pastor Rod Bunton provides our faith with the facts that we need to understand and defend the resurrection that is the foundation for the Gospel.
The Burial of Jesus
Luke 23:50-56 With all of the attention that is paid to the death and resurrection of Jesus, it seems that the burial is often overlooked. Pastor Rod Bunton discusses the significance of this event that is recorded in great detail in all of the Gospel accounts and the unlikely participants that God orchestrated in order to accomplish his will.
The Death of Jesus
Luke 23:44-49 The hour has come and Jesus’ time on the cross is coming to an end in what is the single most important crucifixion and death in the history of the world. Pastor Rod Bunton describes God’s commentary on the cross and the response of those who witnessed it.
Same Sentence, Different Destination
Luke 23:39-43 Two prisoners, both truly guilty of the crimes for which they were about to be punished, were crucified with Christ. Pastor Rod Bunton unfolds this scene where one of these two men received a merciful gift from God and had an entirely different outcome from the other.
The Crucifixion
Luke 23:32-38 The trials are over; Jesus has been sentenced to die and brought to the place where he would be crucified. Pastor Rod Bunton describes the scene that takes place, starting the event for which the entire Old Testament was looking forward to and the entire New Testament looked back upon.
The Road of Sorrows
Luke 23:26-32 The trials are over; Jesus, despite being found innocent by evidence, is pronounced guilty and sentenced to die. Pastor Rod Bunton leads us through the journey that Christ took as he was forced to carry his cross to the place where he would be crucified.