Sermon Archive (Page 38)

Sermon Archive (Page 38)

Sermons preached at Grace Church. The most recent sermons are listed first. You can also find a sermon by topic, series, books of the Bible, speaker, or by date.

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Signs of His Coming: Wars

Luke 21:8-11 ~ Continuing to answer his followers’ question, “When will these things be?”, Jesus describes the coming of wars. Pastor Rod Bunton teaches about this second sign that Jesus gives to help identify the Day of the Lord.

Signs of His Coming: Religious Deception

Luke 21:8-11 ~ After having foretold the destruction of the temple, Jesus’ followers asked him, “When will these things be?” Pastor Rod Bunton teaches about the first of several answers that Jesus gives to help identify the signs of His coming.

A Sign of Things to Come

Luke 21:5-7 ~ As Jesus is leaving the temple, some with him remarked on the beauty of the building. Pastor Rod Bunton explains that, in this introduction to the Olivet Discourse, Jesus teaches them that the impressive building would one day be destroyed, a prophetic warning that would have an impact both in the near future and into eternity.

Woe to You, Scribes and Pharisees

Luke 20:45-21:4 ~ After the scribes and Pharisees failed to expose Christ as a pretender, Jesus begins to teach his followers. Pastor Rod Bunton preaches about Jesus’ first topic in which he turns the tables and warns his disciples about the scribes and Pharisees.

Blessed or Perishing?

Psalm 1 ~ What would make you truly happy this new year? Pastor Ben Khazraee explores Psalm 1 for the answer to what sort of person a truly happy person is, according to God.