Sermon Archive (Page 40)

Sermon Archive (Page 40)

Sermons preached at Grace Church. The most recent sermons are listed first. You can also find a sermon by topic, series, books of the Bible, speaker, or by date.

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The Time Has Come

Luke 19:28-40 ~ Jesus has finally arrived at Jerusalem and he orchestrates the events which lead to him to entering on the back of a colt of a donkey to much praise and adoration. Pastor Rod Bunton shows us how this long-planned event for a humble king marks the beginning of the most important week of the Messiah’s first coming.

Judgment According to Our Works

Luke 19:11-27 ~ Sensing that his followers were anticipating the appearance of the promised kingdom when he arrived in Jerusalem, Jesus taught about the timing of the kingdom and the judgment that it would bring through a parable. Pastor Rod Bunton helps us see, through the meaning of this parable, that we will all be judged by our deeds and how these “good works” fit into the doctrine of justification.

A Wee Little Man

Luke 19:1-10 ~ In Jericho, Jesus encountered another unlikely person that was seeking him while on his way to Jerusalem. Pastor Rod Bunton teaches how Zacchaeus, a social outcast like the blind beggar in the previous passage, was called to salvation and responded immediately and joyfully.

Seeing the Need for Jesus

Luke 18:35-43 ~ Near Jericho, Jesus encountered a blind beggar who cried out to him for mercy. Pastor Rod Bunton helps us to see that although the beggar’s physical eyes were closed, his spiritual eyes could see his need for the son of David to heal him.

Right on Schedule

Luke 18:31-34 ~ In the shadow of Hurricane Matthew and in an auditorium without power, Pastor Rod Bunton takes a few moments to reflect on the sovereign power of God and then continues his study in Luke 18. In this passage, Jesus reminds his disciples of the events that were upcoming as they approached Jerusalem. Even though these things were unexpected and misunderstood by the twelve, Pastor Rod explains that the events didn’t derail Jesus’ mission, rather they were all…

Be Careful How You Walk

Ephesians 5:15-17 ~ The Bible has a lot to say about wisdom and it’s clearly an attribute that Christians should strive to develop. Pastor Doug Link uses a passage in Ephesians 5 to help us see three ways that we can grow in wisdom the way that God intends.

Regeneration Leads to Faith

Luke 18:18-30 ~ When people heard Jesus say that it is impossible for a wealthy man to enter the kingdom of God, they were shocked and asked, “Then who can be saved?” Pastor Rod Bunton explores how Jesus was teaching that man’s responsibility in salvation is preceded by God’s divine responsibility through regeneration.