Sermon Archive (Page 44)

Sermon Archive (Page 44)

Sermons preached at Grace Church. The most recent sermons are listed first. You can also find a sermon by topic, series, books of the Bible, speaker, or by date.

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Resurrection – A Critical Part of the Gospel

Mark 16:1-11, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, 15-20 ~ The death of Jesus on the cross was an amazing sacrifice that paid the debt for sinners in the past, in the present, and in the future and yet, without the resurrection that followed, it would have accomplished nothing. Pastor Rod Bunton explains this critical part of the gospel and why we can trust that it really happened.

Can Anything Thwart God’s Mercy?

Luke 13:31-35 ~ Some Pharisees came to Jesus to urge him to flee because Herod was seeking to kill him. Pastor Rod Bunton answers the question, can anything thwart God’s plan for mercy to all sinners?

Male and Female, He Created Them

Lesson 8 in the Genesis: Foundations Sunday School class. Related videos: Do College Kids Know the Difference Between Men and Women? (heard during lesson) Exploring Gender Identity: Can a 5’9, White Guy Be a 6’5, Chinese Woman? Handout (PDF)

The Narrow Door

Luke 13:22-30 ~ After Jesus described the greatness of the coming kingdom of Heaven, some asked if those who will be saved are few. Pastor Rod Bunton takes us through the challenging answer that Jesus gave: the doorway is narrow and difficult for many to enter.

The Small Will Become Great

Luke 13:18-21 ~ Jesus addressed the crowd with two similar parables—one about the mustard seed that grows into a great tree and another about the small amount of leaven that affects a large amount of flour. Pastor Rod Bunton explains how this teaches us about the arrival of the kingdom of heaven that exists in the hearts of believers and one day will inhabit the entire world.

Serving as a Guide to the Kingdom of Heaven

Acts 8:26-40 ~ The Bible instructs believers to go out into the world, making disciples and baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Ben Khazraee shows how we can be effective guides, leading non-believers to that summit to which the entire Bible points: Jesus Christ and his redemptive work on the cross.

Compassion and Conflict

Luke 13:10-17 ~ While teaching in the synagogue, Jesus saw a woman’s need and removed a harmful spirit of Satan from her, which also healed her physical affliction. Pastor Rod Bunton explains how this act of compassion caused conflict with the leader of the synagogue, providing another opportunity to teach truth.