Sermon Archive (Page 53)

Sermon Archive (Page 53)

Sermons preached at Grace Church. The most recent sermons are listed first. You can also find a sermon by topic, series, books of the Bible, speaker, or by date.

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Keep Calm and Trust God

Psalm 37 – Pastor Doug Link takes us to Psalm 37 and explains how God’s word teaches us the right response to an evil world.

Mixing Darkness with Light

Luke 5:33-39 – The Pharisees had a different opinion about fasting than what they observed in the disciples of Jesus. Pastor Rod Bunton explains how they wanted a religion that met their expectations and it was a perfect opportunity for Jesus to teach truth.

Seeking Out Sinners

Luke 5:27-32 – The Pharisees couldn’t believe that Jesus would associate with such reviled sinners like Matthew and the other tax collectors. Pastor Rod Bunton teaches us what Jesus taught them: that He was where He was needed most.

Healing the Most Needful Affliction

Luke 5:17-26 – In this passage, four men show great determination and compassion when they bring their paralyzed friend to Jesus. Pastor Rod Bunton shows us that Jesus first addressed the affliction that most needed His attention.

Faith in the Resurrection

Matthew 27:62-28:10 – When Jesus’ tomb was sealed and guarded, some hoped that it would prevent the resurrection but, instead, it helped to prove it. Pastor Rod Bunton reviews many reasons why we can have faith in the resurrection event.

Leprosy of the Soul

Luke 5:12-16 – When Jesus used His divine power to cleanse the leper of his disease, there was a parallel lesson about the disease called sin. Pastor Rod Bunton teaches about the law given in the Old Testament that helps identify the diseases, but only God can cleanse both the leper and the sinner.

Your Glory in My Valley

Luke 5:1-11 ~ When Peter witnessed the miracle performed by Jesus, he realized that he was a sinner standing in the presence of deity. Pastor Rod Bunton concludes his teaching on this passage that can teach us to adopt a similar perspective.

Casting Nets

Luke 4:42 – 5:11 ~ When Jesus encouraged Simon Peter to let down his fishing nets, He not only demonstrated His power over nature but He also demonstrated something else. Pastor Rod Bunton shows us that the miracle was a lesson about our responsibility in evangelism.

Loving Discipline, Part 2

Matthew 18:15-17 – Church discipline is necessary to heal the body from the infection of sin. Pastor Rod Bunton continues to examine the process of church discipline that, when executed Biblically, is one of the Twelve Marks of a Healthy Church.

Loving Discipline, Part 1

Matthew 18:15-17 – Church discipline is painful and difficult, but necessary and rewarding. Pastor Rod Bunton explains an often misunderstood process that, when executed Biblically, is one of the Twelve Marks of a Healthy Church.

A Loving Church

1 John – Preserving unity within the church starts with loving the body of the church. Pastor Rod Bunton shows us the reasons why we should love and what it looks like as one of the Twelve Marks of a Healthy Church.

Called Out of Darkness

1 Peter 2:9-10 – Understanding how we are saved helps us have the right perspective about Christianity. Pastor Rod Bunton explains the effectual call that draws us to salvation, an important doctrine and one of the Twelve Marks of a Healthy Church.