Sermon Archive (Page 54)

Sermon Archive (Page 54)

Sermons preached at Grace Church. The most recent sermons are listed first. You can also find a sermon by topic, series, books of the Bible, speaker, or by date.

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Loving the Church

1 Peter 2:4-10 – In this passage, Peter lays out the identity and message of the church and one thing stands out: you should value it! Pastor Rod Bunton exhorts us to love the church as he continues his series, Twelve Marks of a Healthy Church.

Godly Leadership / Effective Evangelism

The characteristics of leaders in a healthy church are not the same as in the business world or military service. Pastor Rod Bunton covers godly Christian leadership and effective evangelism, two of the Twelve Marks of a Healthy Church.

The Ministry of the Word of God

2 Timothy 3:16-4:5 ~ We need to value the Word of God because to know Him you must understand and obey His Word. Pastor Rod Bunton covers the second of Twelve Marks of a Healthy Church.

Devotion to Jesus Christ

Rev 2:1-7 ~ The single most most important thing is our relationship to God. Pastor Rod Bunton begins a new series on the Twelve Marks of a Healthy Church.

God and Sinners Reconciled

Colossians 1:15-22 – How could there be a good God in the midst of the evil world we’re living in now? Pastor Rod Bunton explains how, although the world is at war with God, He has made “peace” on earth.

The Promised Emmanuel

Micah 5 ~ The Old Testament contains an amazing number of prophesies specifically about the Messiah. Pastor Rod Bunton reviews some of them and teaches about their ultimate fulfillment in the birth of Jesus Christ.

Miracles and Signs

Luke 4:38-44 ~ The amazing works of Jesus during His earthly ministry demonstrated to the witnesses that He was the awaited messiah and, truly, the son of God. Pastor Rod Bunton reminds us that, although the miracles were amazing, it was Jesus’ work on the cross that truly changes people.

Resisting the Devil

Luke 4:31-37 ~ We may not always see evidence of the Devil and his demons in our daily life, but we must be watchful and wary, nonetheless. Pastor Rod Bunton concludes his teaching on this passage by providing some practical application from scripture.

Doctrines of Demons, Part 2

Luke 4:31-37 ~ Pastor Rod Bunton continues to look at the truth about demons and how the Devil rules over the mindset of this world.

Doctrines of Demons, Part 1

Luke 4:31-37 ~ Jesus’ power and authority over demons was an important demonstration of His deity. Pastor Rod Bunton explains that it’s also important for us to understand what demons are and what they aren’t.

Power Over the Devil and His Demons

Luke 4:31-37 ~ As Jesus’ ministry progressed, people were astonished at the authority that his words possessed. Pastor Rod Bunton explains that Jesus possessed more than just authority.