Sermon Archive (Page 56)

Sermon Archive (Page 56)

Sermons preached at Grace Church. The most recent sermons are listed first. You can also find a sermon by topic, series, books of the Bible, speaker, or by date.

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Baptism of Repentance

Luke 3:1-9 ~ Luke provides a view into the ministry of John the Baptist. Pastor Rod Bunton explains how that ministry, leading up the to coming ministry of Jesus, was focused on repentance.

I Must Be In My Father’s House

Luke 2:39-52 ~ The Gospel of Luke records the period of Jesus’ life from a small child to the beginning of His public ministry in only 14 verses of Chapter 2. Pastor Rod Bunton teaches from this passage about the perfect humanity of Christ and His increasing in wisdom.

A Providential Encounter

Luke 2:25-38 ~ Pastor Rod Bunton takes us through the prophesied meeting between Simeon and the promised Messiah whom he considered precious.

Fulfilling the Righteousness of the Law

Luke 2:21-26 ~ Pastor Rod Bunton introduces us to the next events recorded in Luke after Jesus’ birth wherein the wisdom of God is evident in the actions that ensure that Jesus is innocent with respect to the law.

An Incredible Announcement

Luke 2:8-20 ~ After the birth of Jesus, God announced the arrival through an angel. Pastor Rod Bunton teaches how this incredible news was first shared with those that were considered lowly by man’s standards.

An Ordinary Birth of an Exceptional Son

Luke 2:1-7 ~ When the time was right for the eternal Son of God to be born as a man, the events were divinely orchestrated to fulfill prophecy. Pastor Rod Bunton explains how God brought Mary & Joseph to a small city for a humble birth.

Putting Pearls on a String

Luke 1:67-80 ~ After the birth of John the Baptist, Zechariah was able to speak again and he delivered a prophecy, Pastor Rod Bunton teaches, that tied import events in the Old Testament to future events that would provide for forgiveness of sins.

He Shall Be Called John

Luke 1:56-66 ~ When the time was right, God bestowed amazing grace to Zechariah, Elizabeth, and the rest of the world starting with the birth of the John the Baptist. Pastor Rod Bunton concludes this passage full of mercy, faith, and hope.

Sovereign Over Everything

Luke 1:57-66 ~ Senior Pastor Rod Bunton introduces this passage on the birth of John the Baptist by reminding us that God should be the focus of our worship because He is at the center of everything and in control of all that happens.

Mary’s Song of Praise

Luke 1:46-55 ~ Senior Pastor Rod Bunton concludes his teaching on The Magnficat, Mary’s song of praise that magnifies the Lord.

The Right Response

Luke 1:46:55 ~ After receiving confirmation and comfort from Elizabeth and her unborn son, Mary’s response was what it should have been. In this introduction to The Magnificat, Senior Pastor Rod Bunton teaches that we were made to worship God.