Sermons from December 2018
Blessed or Perishing?
Psalm 1 ~ What would make you truly happy this new year? Pastor Ben Khazraee explores Psalm 1 for the answer to what sort of person a truly happy person is, according to God.
A Plot of Ground in the Promised Land
Lesson 33 in the Genesis: Foundations Sunday School class.
Whose Son Is the Christ?
Luke 20:42-44 ~ After rebuffing the scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees, and Herodians, Jesus asks his own question to those who were trying to challenge him. Pastor Rod Bunton teaches how Jesus used the very Scriptures themselves to challenge their own understanding about the identity and nature of the Messiah.
The Sacrifice of Isaac
Lesson 32 in the Genesis: Foundations Sunday School class.
Marriage in Heaven
Luke 20:27-40 ~ One final attempt to discredit Jesus during the week leading to the cross, this time from the Sadducees, was a question regarding the fate of a woman married several times under Levitical law when she is resurrected in Heaven. Pastor Rod Bunton explains Jesus’ answer, oft misunderstood even today, that showed the absurdity of the question and their ignorance of Scripture.
Isaac, Son of Promise
Lesson 31 in the Genesis: Foundations Sunday School class.
Paying Taxes to Caesar
Luke 20:19-26 ~ After realizing that Jesus’ parable of the wicked tenants was directed at and condemning of them, the scribes, chief priests, and Pharisees schemed to entrap Jesus by causing him to say something that they could report to the authorities. Pastor Rod Bunton shows how Jesus’ surprising answer silenced His critics and frustrated them even more.
Abraham, Sarah…and Abimelech: The Promise is in Jeopardy
Lesson 30 in the Genesis: Foundations Sunday School class.
Surely Not!
Luke 20:9-18 ~ Following the challenge to his authority by the religious leaders in the crowd, Jesus tells a parable about a vineyard owner who attempts to require settlement from his tenants. Pastor Rod Bunton teaches the meaning of the parable and how it directly applied to the nation of Israel, which shocked those listening when they realized what that meant to them.
Shall Not the Judge of All the Earth Do What is Just?
Lesson 29 in the Genesis: Foundations Sunday School class.