Sermons from December 2020
The ABC’s of Facing Troubles
Psalm 25 How do we finish a difficult year as a Christian? Pastor Ben Khazraee takes guidance from Psalm 25 to help us navigate the transition to a hopeful future.
With Child by the Holy Spirit
Matthew 1:18 A fundamental truth to Christianity is the way through which Christ came to live among us. In this Christmas Eve message, Pastor Rod Bunton examines the miraculous conception that has been attacked throughout history.
Jesus is God’s Greatest Sermon
John 1:14-18 It’s not always easy to understand God nor is it always easy to live with him. Pastor Rod Bunton goes to the Gospel of John for a Christmas-themed message that shows how God helped us with both of those issues by sending his son.
Divorce and Remarriage, Part 2
1 Corinthians 7:25-40 Paul concludes Chapter 7 by addressing those who are single, either because they’ve never been married or because they are no longer married. Pastor Rod Bunton help us to understand the passage from two different translations that, ultimately, come to the same conclusion.
Live as You are Called
1 Corinthians 7:17-24 Having just explained that it isn’t necessary to divorce an unbelieving spouse, Paul takes the opportunity to explain that extra-biblical changes aren’t necessary before becoming a Christian or just being more spiritual. Pastor Rod Bunton expounds on the pressure to change our ethnic and social status instead of just glorifying God as we are.