Sermons from April 2020
Godly Wisdom vs. Worldly Wisdom
James 3:13-18 There are many examples in the Bible of those who ask God for wisdom and this is something that we can pray for in our own lives. Pastor Charlie Greenwell answers the question, “How do we know that we have received Godly wisdom when it comes and not our own worldly wisdom?”
This is My Father’s World
Psalm 24 Everything in the Earth belongs to God because He created it all. Pastor Doug Link brings us a timely reminder that nothing happens without God’s involvement.
What Happens When I Die?
Luke 16:19-31 A parable told by Jesus gives us a glimpse into the unknown, showing us what happens when we die. Pastor Rod Bunton explores this passage from Luke which compares the fates of two men who have different eternal destinations.
Why Doesn’t Everyone Believe?
1 Corinthians 2:14-16 Can sufficient evidence and argument save a person? Can they be convinced to believe with enough faith to be born again? Pastor Rod Bunton examines Paul’s teaching that, although man is naturally resistant to God’s revelation, faith that saves is a gift from God which requires the intervention of the Holy Spirit.