Sermons from 2024

Sermons from 2024

Do Not Be Anxious

Matthew 6:25-34 In this contemporary culture with hyper-awareness of world-wide events and societal complexity, we are prone to worry about possibilities and choices that may never occur. Pastor Doug Link leans on the words of Jesus to remind us that God knows what we need and will provide for us.

Anticipating the Savior

Luke 2:25-35 Luke’s Gospel records the account of a man named Simeon who was told by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before seeing the Christ child. Pastor Ben Khazraee visits this passage and shows why we, like Simeon, should be looking forward to the coming savior.

The Visit of the Magi

Matthew 2:1-12 Well known in contemporary culture as three wise men or three kings, the Bible’s account of the visiting magi is quite different. Pastor Rod Bunton walks us through the story of the wise men who sought to worship the rightful king of the Jews, born in Bethlehem.

The High Priestly Prayer – Part 4

John 17:13-19 Jesus was praying to the Father for protection of the eleven disciples whom he would be leaving. Pastor Rod Bunton reviews the various ways that Jesus asked they be protected and the source of that protection.

The High Priestly Prayer – Part 3

John 17:6-12 As Jesus was praying to his Father, he turned his petition towards the eleven apostles. Pastor Rod Bunton explains how Jesus’ request for divine protection applied to the apostles that were with him and, also, anyone else that the Father has given to the Son.

A Farewell to the Transjordan Tribes

Joshua 22 Pastor Doug Link covers Chapter 22 wherein the tribes on the East side of the Jordan complete their responsibilities in a promise made to Moses, but quickly find themselves in the middle of a controversy.

The High Priestly Prayer – Part 2

John 17:2-5 As Jesus continued his prayer to his father, he was also teaching that salvation brings glory to God. Pastor Rod Bunton teaches us three things about the glory of salvation that we should understand from Jesus’ prayer.

The High Priestly Prayer – Part 1

John 17:1-2 Jesus, having just finished addressing his disciples, turns his attention to his father. Pastor Rod Bunton begins a series of messages regarding Jesus, our high priest, and his prayer to God the Father in light of the current hour.

I Have Overcome the World

John 16:25-33 The more that Jesus talked about leaving them, the more the disciples’ hearts became troubled. Pastor Rod Bunton teaches how Christ began to speak more plainly to them so that they could understand and be encouraged.