Sermons from September 2024

Sermons from September 2024

The Sovereignty of God in Jonah

Jonah God has complete control over all aspects of creation, including weather, seemingly random events, human choices, and even animals. Pastor Doug Link takes us through a survey of the book of Jonah, where God’s sovereignty is on display throughout the book that we know so well.

The Hatred of the World

John 15:16-18 Jesus wanted to prepare the eleven disciples for what would happen to them after he left. Pastor Rod Bunton begins an exploration of this passage where Jesus explains that being a friend to Jesus means that they will be hated by the world.

Motivations to Abide in Christ

John 15:7-16 As he continued to teach the disciples about the parable of the vine and the branches, Jesus told them how to bear more fruit. Pastor Rod Bunton covers eight motivations to abide in Christ so that we, too, have the power to bear fruit.

Two Types of Branches

John 15:3-6 After telling the eleven about the parable of the vine and the branches, Jesus explained how it applies to the two types of branches. Pastor Rod Bunton looks at how abiding in Jesus is the key to being the branch that is pruned.