Sermons from August 2024

Sermons from August 2024

The Parable of the Vine and the Branches

John 15:1-2 After leaving the upper room, Jesus continued to teach to the eleven disciples. Pastor Rod Bunton explains the parable of the vine and the two types of branches and what it means to those who follow him.

Peace that Comes from God

John 14:27-31 Jesus was addressing the eleven disciples the night before he was going to leave them and told them that they could be at peace about it. Pastor Rod Bunton explains what it means to have peace from God and how the advice given to the disciples also applies to us.

Confidence in the Judge of the Earth

Psalm 94 It’s easy to get frustrated about the success that we see today for wicked people and their evil behavior. Pastor Ben Khazraee goes to the Psalms where the psalmist shares the same frustrations but rests in the knowledge that the judge of the Earth will provide justice to the unjust.

God Knows Every Detail About You

Psalm 139 David recognized the intensely personal involvement of God in his life and wrote about it in Psalm 139. Pastor Ben Khazraee reflects on how intimate the involvement is and the application we should take in our own lives.