Sermons from 2024 (Page 2)

Sermons from 2024 (Page 2)

Your Sorrow Will Turn into Joy

John 16:16-24 Jesus told his disciples that in “a little while” they would no longer see him and then in “a little while” they would see him again. Pastor Rod Bunton explains that, although the disciples were confused and many even today are unclear about what he meant, the meaning is quite clear if we take Jesus’ words literally and in the context of the upcoming events.

Essential Roles of the Holy Spirit

John 16:8-14 Jesus was teaching the disciples about the Holy Spirit that would come to help them after Jesus’ departure. Pastor Rod Bunton reviews the four essential roles of the Holy Spirit that Jesus revealed in his teaching. This video has been replaced with the correct one.

The Work of the Holy Spirit

John 16:4-10 Jesus, teaching the eleven disciples about his upcoming departure, explained why this was a good thing. Pastor Rod Bunton starts a look into the work that the Holy Spirit does after he comes. This video has been replaced with the correct one.

The Persecuted Church, Part 2

John 15:18-27 Jesus, preparing the disciples he was about to leave, taught them about the persecution they would face because of their relationship to him. Pastor Rod Bunton concludes his teaching from this passage and reminds us that God has a solution to this problem.

The Mercy of God in Jonah

Jonah God is not only sovereign over all creation, he is also merciful and gracious. Pastor Doug Link concludes his survey of the book of Jonah, where God’s mercy is on display despite the sinful behavior of this prophet.

The Joy of Being Forgiven

Psalm 32 For a Christian, this is what we know: forgiveness is a free gift of God and is, therefore, a blessing. Pastor Ben Khazraee teaches from Psalm 32 where David reminds us that confession and walking in the way of God’s word leads to the joy of being forgiven.